Manual de instrucciones AEG-ELECTROLUX IK1555

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX IK1555
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso AEG-ELECTROLUX IK1555

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Wir sind sicher, dass wird Ihr Leben zukünftig etwas leichter machen. Wir wünschen eine gute Zeit. 4 electrolux Mit dem Warndreieck und/oder durch Signalwörter (Warnung!, Vorsicht!, Achtung!) sind Hinweise hervorgehoben, die für Ihre Sicherheit oder für die Funktionsfähigkeit des Gerätes wichtig sind. Nach diesem Zeichen erhalten Sie ergänzende Informationen zur Bedienung und praktischen Anwendung des Gerätes. Mit der Blume sind Tips und Hinweise zum wirtschaftlichen und umweltschonenden Einsatz des Gerätes gekennzeichnet. [. . . ] · Care must be taken to ensure that the appliance does not stand on the electrical supply cable. Important: if the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly availa-ble from the manufacturer or its service agent. · If the appliance is transported horizontally, it is possible that the oil contained in the compressor flows in the refrigerant circuit. It is advisable to wait at least two hours before connecting the appliance to allow the oil to flow back in the compressor. · There are working parts in this product which heat up. Always ensure that there is adequate ventilation as a failure to do this will result in component failure and possible food loss. · Parts which heat up should not be exposed. Wherever possible the back of the product should be against a wall. Environment Protection This appliance does not contain gasses which could damage the ozone layer, in either its refrigerant circuit or insulation materials. The appliance shall not be discarded together with the urban refuse and rubbish. Avoid damaging the cooling unit, especially at the rear near the heat exchanger. Information on your local disposal sites may be obtained from municipal authorities. If there is no confirmation after some seconds the display will go out from the menu and return in normal condition. 40 electrolux It is possible to de-activate the function at any time by pressing key D until the corresponding icon will flash and then key E. It is possible to de-activate the function at any time by pressing key D until the corresponding icon will flash and then key E. To freeze fresh foods, you will need to activate the Action Freeze function. Press key D (several times if necessary) until the corresponding icon appears . You must confirm the choice by pressing key E within few seconds. You will hear the buzzer and on the display will appear some animation with lines. After a pre-cooling period of 24 hours, place the foods in the freezer. Place the food to be frozen in the compartment, as this is the coldest point. Eco Mode Function The Eco mode function is activated by pressing key D (several times if necessary) until the corresponding icon appears (or setting the temperature at -18°C). You must confirm the choice by pressing key E within few seconds. You will hear the buzzer and the icon remains lighted. In this condition the chosen temperatures are automatically set (- 18°C), in the best conditions for storing food. It is possible to de-activate the function at any time by changing the selected temperature in the compartment. 10 kg 10 kg Action Freeze Function The freezer compartment is suitable for long term storage of commercially frozen and deep-frezen food, and for freezing fresh food. [. . . ] garantiza al usuario del aparato cuyos datos de identificación figuran en el presente documento, durante el plazo de dos (2) años desde la fecha de su entrega, la reparación totalmente gratuita de las averías que experimente el aparato, incluyendo la presente garantía tanto el coste de las piezas de recambio como el de la mano de obra y, en su caso, el del desplazamiento del personal técnico del Servicio Oficial de la Marca al domicilio del usuario. En el supuesto de que el producto, por su tamaño y movilidad, fuera susceptible de ser trasportado por el usuario al Taller Oficial de la Marca, éste quedará liberado de la obligación de trasladar su personal técnico al domicilio del usuario. Para hacer uso del derecho de garantía aquí reconocido, será requisito necesario que el aparato se destine al uso privado. También será necesario presentar al personal técnico de la marca, antes de su intervención, la factura o tique de compra del aparato o el albarán de entrega correspondiente si éste fuera posterior, en unión del presente documento. [. . . ]


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