Manual de instrucciones AEG-ELECTROLUX L725500

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX L725500

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   AEG-ELECTROLUX L725500 (1793 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso AEG-ELECTROLUX L725500

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] LAVAMAT 705500 - 725500 User manual Washing machine 2 Dear Customer Thank you for choosing one of our high-quality products. With this appliance you will experience the perfect combination of functional design and cutting edge technology. Convince yourself that our appliances are engineered to deliver the best performance and control - indeed we are setting the highest standards of excellence. In addition to this you find environmental and energy saving aspects as an integral part of our products. [. . . ] tea cloths, towels, tablecloths, sheets. . . ). for normally soiled, colour fast garments (e. g. shirts, night dresses, pyjamas. . . . ) in linen, cotton or synthetic fibres and for lightly soiled white cotton (e. g. net curtains), mixed laundry including synthetic fibres and woollens bearing the label «pure new wool, machine washable, non-shrink». 40°-30°- Cold Before loading the laundry Never wash whites and coloureds together. Whites may lose their "whiteness" in the wash. New coloured items may run in the first wash; they should therefore be washed separately the first time. Make sure that no metal objects are left in the laundry (e. g. Button up pillowcases, close zip fasteners, hooks and poppers. Remove persistent stains before washing. Rub particularly soiled areas with a special detergent or detergent paste. Remove hooks or tie them up in a bag or net. 24 Preparing the wash cycle Maximum loads Recommended loads are indicated in the washing programme charts. General rules: Cotton, linen: drum full but not too tightly packed; Synthetics: drum no more than half full; Delicate fabrics and woollens: drum no more than one third full. Washing a maximum load makes the most efficient use of water and energy. For heavily soiled laundry, reduce the load size. Laundry weights The following weights are indicative: bathrobe napkin quilt cover sheet pillow case tablecloth towelling towel tea cloth night dress ladies' briefs man's work shirt man's shirt man's pyjamas blouse men's underpants 1200 g 100 g 700 g 500 g 200 g 250 g 200 g 100 g 200 g 100 g 600 g 200 g 500 g 100 g 100 g Preparing the wash cycle 25 Removing stains Stubborn stains may not be removed by just water and detergent. It is therefore advisable to treat them prior to washing. Blood: treat fresh stains with cold water. For dried stains, soak overnight in water with a special detergent then rub in the soap and water. : Oil based paint: moisten with benzine stain remover, lay the garment on a soft cloth and dab the stain; treat several times. Dried grease stains: moisten with turpentine, lay the garment on a soft surface and dab the stain with the fingertips and a cotton cloth. Rust: oxalic acid dissolved in hot water or a rust removing product used cold. Be careful with rust stains which are not recent since the cellulose structure will have already been damaged and the fabric tends to hole. Mould stains: treat with bleach, rinse well (whites and fast coloureds only). [. . . ] In this case, make sure the end cannot come unhooked when the machine is emptying. This could be done by tying it to the tap with a piece of string or attaching it to the wall. This branch must be above the trap so that the bend is at least 60 cm above the ground. Directly into a drain pipe at a height of not less than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm. [. . . ]


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