Manual de instrucciones ALTEC LANSING MOONDANCE HOME M302

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Lastmanuals permite descargar las instrucciones ALTEC LANSING MOONDANCE HOME M302.

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso ALTEC LANSING MOONDANCE HOME M302

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician or help. d) GARANTIA DE UM ANO A Altec Lansing Technologies, Inc garante ao usurio final a ausncia de defeito de material e mo-de-obra em todos os seus sistemas de alto-falantes para computador, de acordo com o uso normal e modera do, pelo prazo de um ano a partir da data de compra. Essa garantia a nica e exclusiva garantia em efeito relativa aos sistemas de alto-falantes para computador da Altec Lansing. Quaisquer outras garantias, explcitas ou implcitas, so invlidas. [. . . ] Placing the subwoofer on the floor close to the wall provides maximum bass efficiency. The subwoofer is not magnetically shielded and should not be placed near video displays. The Altec Lansing Multimedia Computer Speaker System provides the best computer audio output possible. Connect these computer speakers to a PC audio card for high quality audio to enhance music, games and PC entertainment. DESCRIPTION SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read Instructions -- All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the appliance is operated. Retain Instructions -- The operating instructions should be retained for future reference. Heed Warning -- All warnings on the appliance and in the operating instructions should be adhered to. Follow Instructions -- All operating and use instructions should be followed. Water and Moisture -- The appliance should not be used near water for example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, etc. Outdoor Use -- Warning: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture. Location -- The appliance should be installed in a stable location. Ventilation -- The appliance should be situated so that its location or position does not interfere with its proper ventilation. For example, the appliance should not be situated on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface that may block the ventilation openings; or placed in a built-in installation, such as a closed bookcase or cabinet that may impede the flow of air through the ventilation openings. Las bocinas satlite estn blindadas magnticamente para evitar la distorsin de color en las pantallas de video. Sin embargo, el subwoofer no est blindado magnticamente y se debe colocar en el piso lejos del monitor de la computadora o la televisin. Las MOONDANCE HOME M302 son compatibles con los sistemas de juegos ms populares, computadoras de escritorio y porttiles, sistemas estereofnicos domsticos y sistemas porttiles de msica as como la mayora del resto de los dispositivos de audio. DC Power Input Stereo Signal Input Power Indicator LED Volume Control Power On/Off Push Button USE OF CONTROLS (SEE FIGURE 1) Power On/Off (F) Push power button to turn power on and push again to turn power off. A green LED power indicator (D) on the base of the right satellite will glow to show power is on. Volume Up/Down (E) Turn the volume control clockwise to increase volume and counter-clockwise to decrease volume. FIGURE 1 Front View of Satellite Speakers Vista frontal de las bocinas satlite Vista Frontal dos Alto-falantes Tipo Satlite SUBWOOFER LEVEL CONTROL (FIGURE 1) (A) The subwoofer level control is on the side of the subwoofer. Turn the knob clockwise to increase volume and counter-clockwise to decrease volume. To computer sound card or other audio source FIGURE 2 Rear View of Satellite Speakers Vista posterior de las bocinas satlite Vista Posterior dos Alto-falantes Tipo Satlite SET UP CONNECTIONS (SEE FIGURE 2) 1. Insert the orange plug from the RIGHT satellite into the input marked RIGHT on the subwoofer. This input is color coded with an orange dot. WARNING: DO NOT plug any other device into this input as DAMAGE WILL OCCUR. Connect the lime audio plug from the right satellite to the 3. 5mm output jack on the audio source. The MOONDANCE HOME M302 is compatible with any audio device with a 3. 5mm stereo headphone or line level output including computer sound cards, portable CD players, MP3 players and others. [. . . ] A maioria dos sistemas de jogos possui sadas RCA esquerda e direita. Um cabo adaptador necessrio para essa conexo. A Altec Lansing vende o cabo adaptador (AAC1) em seu website. Conecte a fonte de alimentao DC (B) ao conector na lateral do subwoofer. [. . . ]


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