Manual de instrucciones BALANCE KH 5520 STYLING CURLERSET

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso BALANCE KH 5520 STYLING CURLERSET

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[. . . ] 5 KH 1149 KH 5520 JUEGO DE RIZADO Y PEINADO Instrucciones de uso Istruzioni per l'uso SET ARRICCIACAPELLI STYLING STYLING CURLER SET Operating Instructions KOMPERNASS GMBH · BURGSTRASSE 21 · D-44867 BOCHUM www. kompernass. com ID-Nr. : KH5520-07/07-V1 STYLING CURLERSET Bedienungsanleitung ¿ ³ · » ´ ² ¶ º 1 2 3 Índice Uso previsto Datos técnicos Volumen de suministro Descripción del aparato Indicaciones de seguridad Puesta en funcionamiento Colocar / extraer los accesorios Encender/apagar / Seleccionar nivel Limpieza y cuidado Almacenamiento Evacuación Garantía y asistencia técnica Importador Un par de consejos para el peinado perfecto Página 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 Lea atentamente este manual de instrucciones antes del primer uso y consérvelo para posteriores utilizaciones. Entréguelo en caso de traspasar el aparato a terceros. -3- JUEGO DE RIZADO Y PEINADO KH 5520 Descripción del aparato El set consta del aparato y 6 accesorios para conectar, así como una bolsa de nailon (véase fig. Difusor ­ para más volumen secar primero las raíces y luego las puntas. Cabezal cepillo para volumen­ para cepillar y secar el cabello al mismo tiempo. [. . . ] Per ottenere ancora maggiore volume, asciugare i capelli cominciando dalle radici verso le punte. Dopo aver spento l'apparecchio, attendere ancora qualche secondo, prima di rilasciare i boccoli. Prima di pettinare l'acconciatura, lasciare raffreddare bene i capelli. Ferro per boccoli Spazzola volumizzante Ferro per boccoli - 14 - Content Intended use Technical data Package contents Description of the appliance Safety instructions Startup Attaching/detaching accessories Switching on/off / Selecting a heat level Cleaning and care Storage Disposal Warranty & Service Importer A few tips for the perfect hairstyle Page 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 Read the operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Hand over the manual to anyone you pass on the appliance to. - 15 - Styling Curler Set KH 5520 Description of the appliance The set consists of the appliance, 6 attachable accessories and a nylon bag (see fig. 1): Concentrator nozzle ­ for blow-drying. Finger diffuser ­ for more volume, dry the hairline first, then the ends. Brush volumiser attachment­ for simultaneous brushing and drying of your hair. Nylon bag ­ for storing the styling curlerset 32 mm hot air round metal brush ­ for large curls 25 mm hot air round plastic brush ­ for small curls: Roll individual strands round the brush and dry them. After switching off leave your hair curled round the brush for a few seconds. Curling iron ­ for small spiral curls (angel curls). Roll individual strands round the clamp and fix them with the curl clip. To safety set aside the styling curler during operation, use the clip on the side of the curling iron (see fig. 2 Attachment connector Eject button Cool-Shot button Heat level switch Air suction grid Intended use This appliance is intended for hair styling and for use in household applications only. It is not intended for use on animals or in commercial or industrial environments. Technical data Voltage: Power consumption: Protection class: 230-240 V ~ 50 Hz 1000 W II Package contents Sytling Curlerset KH5520 Operating Instructions - 16 - Safety instructions Important information for your safety!To avoid a life-threatening electric shock: · Never touch the appliance or the power plug with wet or moist hands, as long as the power plug is in the wall socket!· Never use the appliance near water, particularly not near sinks, baths or other vessels . · Make sure that the power cord never becomes wet or damp during operation. Lay the cord such that it cannot be pinched or otherwise damaged. If the power cord or the power plug are damaged, you must not continue to use the appliance before having had it repaired by customer service. · Alway pull the plug out of the wall socket after use, particularly if you use the appliance in the bathroom. It is not sufficient to simply switch off the appliance ­ line voltage is still present in the appliacne as long as the power plug is connected to the wall socket. [. . . ] · Ziehen Sie das Luftansauggitter vom Gehäuse ab und reinigen Sie das Luftansauggitter von innen und außen mit einer weichen Bürste. · Stecken Sie das Luftansauggitter wieder auf das Gehäuse. Drücken Sie hierbei die seitlichen Flügel am Luftansauggitter leicht ein. · Verwenden Sie keine Reinigungs- oder Lösemittel. [. . . ]


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