Manual de instrucciones BIFINETT KH 1105 WAFFLE IRON

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Mode d'emploi BIFINETT KH 1105 WAFFLE IRON

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   BIFINETT KH 1105 WAFFLE IRON (902 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso BIFINETT KH 1105 WAFFLE IRON

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] MOLDE PARA GOFRES PIASTRA PER WAFER KH 1105 Gofrera Instrucciones de uso Piastra per wafer Istruzioni per l'uso Waffle Iron Operating instructions Waffeleisen Bedienungsanleitung KH 1105 q max. min. w e 5 KOMPERNASS GMBH · BURGSTRASSE 21 · D-44867 BOCHUM www. kompernass. com ID-Nr. : KH1105-09/07-V1 Molde para gofres KH 1105 1. Finalidad de uso Este aparato está previsto para la preparación de gofres y para el uso privado. No está previsto para la preparación de otros alimentos ni para su uso en ámbitos comerciales o industriales. 2. [. . . ] In particular, when you use it in the kitchen near the sink. · Make sure that the power cable never gets wet or moist when the toaster is in use. Lay the cord such that it cannot be pinched or otherwise damaged. Arrange for defective power plugs and/or cables to be replaced as soon as possible by a qualified technician or by our Customer Service Department to avoid the risk of injury. · Always pull the plug out of the power socket after use. Switching off the device is not sufficient because the device receives power as long as the power plug is connected to the socket. To prevent fire hazards and the risk of injury: Parts of the appliance can become hot during operation; you should only ever use the grip to hold the appliance. The control knob can also become hot after a certain amount of operation ­ for this reason, it is best to wear oven mitts. Therefore, never put the appliance under flammable objects, especially flammable curtains. Never leave the appliance unattended when it is in use. Do not allow individuals (including children) to use the appliance whose physical, sensorial or mental abilities or lack of experience and knowledge hinder their safe usage of it if they have not previously been supervised or instructed in its correct usage. Tell children about the appliance and its potential dangers so that they do not play with it. Very hot steam can escape when opening the lid. It is best to always wear oven mitts while opening the appliance. This appliance is intended for baking waffles for household use. It is not intended for the preparation of other foods nor for commercial or industrial use. 2. Technical data Voltage: Power consumption: 220-240 V / ~ 50 Hz 1200 W 3. Package contents · Waffle iron · Operating manual · Recipe book · 4. Appliance description q Control knob w Operating light (red / green) e Grip · · · · -9- 6. Preparing the waffle iron Before starting up the appliance, make certain that . . . the appliance, power plug and power cord are in proper condition and . . . all packaging materials have been removed from the appliance. First clean the appliance as described under 8. [. . . ] Diese können nicht nur zu Schäden am Gerät führen, sondern auch zu Rückständen in den nächsten Waffeln. Bei festgebackenen Rückständen: · Nehmen Sie auf keinen Fall harte Gegenstände zu Hilfe. Hierdurch kann die Beschichtung der Waffelflächen beschädigt werden. · Legen Sie lieber ein nasses Spültuch auf die festgebackenen Rückstände, um diese aufzuweichen. 9. [. . . ]


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