Manual de instrucciones BIFINETT KH 1605 VACUUM SEALER

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso BIFINETT KH 1605 VACUUM SEALER

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] 5 APARATO SELLADOR DE PLÁSTICO CONFEZIONATRICE SOTTOVUOTO KH 1605 APARATO SELLADOR DE PLÁSTICO Instrucciones de uso CONFEZIONATRICE SOTTOVUOTO Istruzioni per l'uso VACUUM SEALER Operating instructions KOMPERNASS GMBH · BURGSTRASSE 21 · D-44867 BOCHUM www. kompernass. com ID-Nr. : KH1605-01/08-V1 FOLIENSCHWEISSGERÄT Bedienungsanleitung KH 1605 q w e t r y u a o i s k j d f g h ÍNDICE Uso conforme al previsto Indicaciones de seguridad importantes Volumen de suministro Datos técnicos Descripción de aparatos Puesta en funcionamiento Utilización Limpieza Mantenimiento Evacuación Importador Garantía y asistencia técnica PÁGINA 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 6 6 6 7 Lea atentamente este manual de instrucciones antes del primer uso y consérvelo para posteriores utilizaciones. Entréguelo en caso de traspasar el aparato a terceros. -1- APARATO SELLADOR DE PLÁSTICO KH 1605 Uso conforme al previsto Este producto está previsto para el sellado térmico ocasional de alimentos en cantidades domésticas normales en el uso doméstico privado. Este producto no está indicado para el uso comercial o industrial, ni para el funcionamiento continuado. · Desconecte siempre el aparato de la corriente eléctrica después de utilizarlo o si abandona el lugar de trabajo. No deje el aparato conectado sin vigilancia. [. . . ] La garanzia copre solo i difetti del materiale o di fabbricazione. Il prodotto è destinato esclusivamente all'uso domestico e non a quello commerciale. La garanzia decade in caso di impiego improprio o manomissione, uso della forza e interventi non eseguiti dalla nostra filiale di assistenza autorizzata. Questa garanzia non costituisce alcun limite ai diritti legali del consumatore. Kompernass Service Italia Corso Lino Zanussi 11 33080 Porcia (PN) Tel. : 0434/550833 Fax: 0434/550833 e-mail: support. it@kompernass. com - 15 - - 16 - INDEX Intended use Important safety instructions Items supplied Technical data Description of the appliance Commissioning Utilisation Cleaning Maintenance Disposal Importer Warranty and Service PAGE 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 21 22 22 22 23 Read these operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for future reference. Pass this booklet on to whoever might acquire the appliance at a future date. - 17 - VACUUM SEALER KH 1605 Intended use This plastic film sealer is intended for the occasional vacuum-packing of food in typical household quantities and only for private household use. This product is not intended for commercial or industrial applications or for continuous operation. · After use or during absences, ALWAYS remove the plug from the power socket. Never leave the appliance unsupervised when it is connected to mains power. For as long as the plug is inserted in the wall socket the appliance itself is under electrical power. To avoid the risk of fire: · Use only the special plastic films that are suitable for a plastic film sealer. · Allow the appliance to cool down after every sealing process before continuing to use it. · NEVER position the appliance below inflammable objects, especially not below curtains or drapes. Important safety instructions To avoid potentially fatal electric shocks: · Protect the appliance against moisture. Only use the device in dry rooms, not outdoors. Ensure that fluids can never permeate into the appliance, whether during cleaning or from the leaking of fluids during the sealing process. Also, do not use the appliance if you have wet hands. · Ensure that the power plug is at all times freely accessible, so that in a case of emergency it can be quickly removed from the power source. · Ensure that when the appliance is in use the power cable cannot become jammed or damaged in any way. Place it such that no one can trip or stumble over it. · Should the power cable or the power plug become damaged, in order to minimise potential risks arrange for Customer Services to replace them before continuing to use the appliance. · Should the appliance become damaged, immediately remove the power plug. Then arrange for the appliance to be checked by Customer Services. To avoid the risks of accidents and personal injuries: · The sealing wire becomes hot during operation. NEVER touch it directly after a sealing process. · This appliance is not intended for use by individuals (including children) with restricted physical, physiological or intellectual abilities or deficiences in experience and/or knowledge unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or receive from this person instruction in how the appliance is to be used. [. . . ] Entsorgen Sie das Gerät über einen zugelassenen Entsorgungsbetrieb oder über Ihre kommunale Entsorgungseinrichtung. Beachten Sie die aktuell geltenden Vorschriften. Setzen Sie sich im Zweifelsfall mit Ihrer Entsorgungseinrichtung in Verbindung. Führen Sie alle Verpackungsmaterialien einer umweltgerechten Entsorgung zu. Setzen Sie das Unterteil von der Filterbox ein, mit der weißen Dichtung g nach vorne. [. . . ]


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