Manual de instrucciones BIOSTAR U8668-D

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Mode d'emploi BIOSTAR U8668-D
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso BIOSTAR U8668-D

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] The vendor makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents here of and specially disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. Further the vendor reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to the contents here of without obligation to notify any party beforehand. Duplication of this publication, in part or in whole, is not allowed without first obtaining the vendor's approval in writing. The content of this user's manual is subject to be changed without notice and we will not be responsible for any mistakes found in this user's manual. [. . . ] The CPU will fit only in the correct orientation. Step3: Hold the CPU down firmly, and then close the lever to complete the installation. Step4: Put the CPU Fan on the CPU and buckle it. Connect the CPU fan power cable to the JCFAN1. Then the installation is completed. Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 6 M7VIIG 400 M7V G 400 CPU Fan Header: JCFAN1 Pin 1 Assignment Ground +12V FAN RPM rate Sense 1 2 JCFAN1 3 System Fan Header: JSFAN1 Pin 1 Assignment Ground +12V FAN RPM rate Sense 1 JSFAN1 2 3 North Bridge Fan Header: JNFAN1 (optional) Pin 1 Assignment Ground +12V FAN RPM rate Sense 1 JNFAN1 2 3 DDR DIMM Modules: DDR1, DDR2 DRAM Access Time: 2. 5V Unbuffered/ DDR 200 MHz (PC1600)/DDR 266 MHz (PC2100)/ DDR 333 MHz (PC2700) Type required. DRAM Type: 64MB/ 128MB/ 256MB/ 512MB/ 1GB DIMM Module (184 pin) DIMM Socket Location DDR 1 DDR 2 DDR Module 64MB/128MB/256MB/512MB/1GB *1 64MB/128MB/256MB/512MB/1GB *1 ***Only for reference*** Total Memory Size (MB) Max is 2GB 7 M7VIIG 400 M7V G 400 Installing DDR Module 1. Unlock a DIMM slot by pressing the retaining clips outward. Align a DIMM to the slot in the way that the notch of the DIMM matches the break of the slot. Insert the DIMM vertically and firmly into the slot until the retaining chip snap back in place and the DIMM is properly seated. 2. Jumpers, Headers, Connectors & Slots Floppy Disk Connector: FDD1 The motherboard provides a standard floppy disk connector that supports 360K, 720K, 1. 2M, 1. 44M and 2. 88M floppy disk types. This connector supports the provided floppy drive ribbon cables. Hard Disk Connectors: IDE1/ IDE2 The motherboard has a 32-bit Enhanced PCI IDE Controller that provides PIO Mode 0~5, Bus Master, and Ultra DMA 33/ 66/ 100/ 133 functionality. It has two HDD connectors IDE1 (primary) and IDE2 (secondary). Prise en charge de la microphone stereo. Périphériques intégrés a. Côté arrière 1 port série. 1 port parallèle (mode SPP/EPP/ECP) 1 port audio en position verticale. Côté frontal 1 port disquette prenant en charge 2 FDD avec 360K, 720K, 1. 2M, 1. 44M et 2, 88Mo. 2 ports USB2. 0, 1 Embase Audio, 1 Embase de Sortie S/PDIF (optionnel). Dimensions Facteur de forme ATX : 19. 4 cm x 24. 4 cm. BIOS et logiciel BIOS Award legal Bios. Logiciel TM TM Prise en charge de Warpspeeder , 9th Touch , FLASHERTM. Offrant la meilleure performance pour Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows XP, UNIX series etc. Contenu de l'Emballage Câble de Disque Dur X1 Câble de Lecteur de Disquette X1 Manuel d'utilisation X1 CD de Sollicitation StudioFun!X 1 (Optionnel) Câble USB 2. 0 X1 (Optionnel) Panneau d'E/S Arrière pour Boîtier Flex X 1 (Optionnel) CD de Pilote Complet X 1 Câble S/PDIF X 1 (optionnel), 14 M7VIIG 400 M7V G 400 WarpSpeederTM Introduction [ WarpSpeederTM ], a new powerful control utility, features three user-friendly functions including Overclock Manager, Overvoltage Manager, and Hardware Monitor. [. . . ] [ WarpSpeederTM ] utility will execute a series of testing until system fail. Then system will do fail-safe reboot by using Watchdog function. After reboot, the [ WarpSpeederTM ] utility will restore to the hardware default setting or load the verified best and stable frequency according to the Recovery Dialog's setting. "Verify button": User can click this button and [ WarpSpeederTM ] will proceed a testing for current frequency. [. . . ]


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