Manual de instrucciones CANON GL1

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Mode d'emploi CANON GL1

Puedes descargar las siguientes instrucciones anexas a este producto:

   CANON GL1 BATTERY PACKS BP-915 & BP-945 (379 ko)
   CANON GL1 BROCHURE (9478 ko)
   CANON GL1 3_CCD_Comp_Chart (20 ko)
   CANON GL1 Battery Pack BP-930 (376 ko)
   CANON GL1 DV MESSENGER VER 1.0 (501 ko)
   CANON GL1 BATTERY PACKS BP-915 & BP-945 (379 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso CANON GL1

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and use in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. [. . . ] When the GL1 is in record pause mode: GL1: Recording Connected device: Recording B. When the GL1 is Recording: GL1: Record Pause Mode Connected device: Record Pause Mode C. When the GL1 is not ready for recording (no cassette loaded etc. ) Connected device: Recording/Record pause mode Recording D. After loading a cassette while the connected device is recording: GL1: Recording Pressing the start/stop button again: GL1: Record pause mode Connected device: Continues recording Connected device: Record pause mode When the connected device is recording, [REC] appears in the display of the camcorder. When the other device is in any other mode than the recording, record pause or stop mode, [- - -] appears. [DV IF] flashes if DV CONTROL is set to ON and no device is connected via the DV cable. Notes: · When the GL1 stops recording without operating the start/stop button (e. g. tape has reached the end) while both the GL1 and the connected device are recording, the connected device continues recording. · When connecting two GL1s via a DV cable, make sure to set DV CONTROL of the "connected device" to OFF. · Only one device can be connected to the GL1 for DV control. · DV control may not work properly depending on the connected device. · The DV control setting is retained by the camcorder even if you turn the power off. STEREO 2: For recording surrounding sound in a wider range than in STEREO 1. Notes: · Never carry the camcorder holding the microphone. · The DM-50 will not pick up any sound if another microphone is attached to the camcorder's MIC terminal. 74 Using the MA-300 Microphone Adapter (Optional) E The MA-300 Microphone Adapter enables you to input audio to the camcorder with XLR connector equipped microphones, and to convert video signals for the BNC connector. Refer to the MA-300 Microphone Adapter instructions for further details. Attaching the Microphone Adapter to the Camcorder Turn the camcorder off before attaching/detaching the microphone adapter. 1. Slide the microphone adapter straight onto the camcorder's accessory shoe. · Orient the microphone adapter in the direction indicated with an arrow on the bottom side and slide it in until it clicks. Recording 2. Tighten the shoe lock in the direction of the arrow. Attaching the Microphone Microphone with a diameter of 25 mm can be attached directly to the microphone adapter. Depending on how you attach the microphone, it may pick up some vibration noise. 1. Loosen the microphone clamp screw and open the microphone clamp. Place the microphone into the microphone clamp and tighten the clamp screw. · Position the microphone so that it does not appear on the camcorder's LCD or viewfinder screen. 3. Connect the microphone to the audio input jack. Turn the camcorder's power on. · C (connection) appears on the camcorder's LCD or viewfinder screen when the camcorder is in record or record pause mode. · The camcorder's built-in microphone automatically turns off. Notes: · The accessory shoe of the microphone adapter is for exclusive use with microphones attached to a camera-mount. [. . . ] This limited warranty is only effective upon presentation of a bill of sale or other proof of purchase for this Canon digital video equipment to a Canon Service Facility when repairs are required. Canon consumer video digital equipment is warranted under normal, non-commercial, personal use, against defective materials or workmanship as follows: Parts: Defective parts will be exchanged for new parts or, at Canon Canada's option, comparable rebuilt parts for a period of one year from the date of original purchase, except Video Heads which will be exchanged for a period of 3 months from the date of purchase. Labour: For a period of one year from the date of original purchase, labour will be provided free of charge by our Canon Service Facilities in Canada. This limited warranty covers all defects except where: (a) The loss or damage to the product results from: i) accident, natural disaster, mishandling, abuse, neglect, unauthorized product modification or failure to follow instructions contained in the instruction manual; ii) the use of accessories, attachments, products, supplies, parts or devices with this Canon product that do not conform to Canon specifications or that cause abnormally frequent service problems; iii) repairs or services performed by any party other than a Canon Service Facility; iv) defective batteries or any exposure to water, sand or dirt; v) shipping (claim must be presented to the shipper); (b) Any serial number on the video equipment is altered or removed. [. . . ]


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