Manual de instrucciones CANON GL2

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Lastmanuals permite descargar las instrucciones CANON GL2.

Mode d'emploi CANON GL2

Puedes descargar las siguientes instrucciones anexas a este producto:

   CANON GL2 BATTERY PACK BP-930 (373 ko)
   CANON GL2 POWER ADAPTER CH-910 (1070 ko)
   CANON GL2 POWER ADAPTER CB-920 (348 ko)
   CANON GL2 BATTERY PACKS BP-915 & BP-945 (379 ko)
   CANON GL2 (3810 ko)
   CANON GL2 BROCHURE (9478 ko)
   CANON GL2 annexe 1 (3810 ko)
   CANON GL2 VIDEO LIGHT VL-3 (403 ko)
   CANON GL2 3_CCD_Comp_Chart (20 ko)
   CANON GL2 Instruction Manual (3810 ko)
   CANON GL2 VIDEO LIGHT VL-10LI (1197 ko)
   CANON GL2 BATTERY PACK BP-930 (373 ko)
   CANON GL2 DV MESSENGER VER 1.0 (501 ko)
   CANON GL2 POWER ADAPTER CB-920 (348 ko)
   CANON GL2 POWER ADAPTER CH-910 (1070 ko)
   CANON GL2 BATTERY PACKS BP-915 & BP-945 (379 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso CANON GL2

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] DIM-462 DIGITAL VIDEO CAMCORDER Instruction Manual CAMESCOPE ET LECTEUR VIDEO NUMERIQUES ENGLISH E Mode d'emploi VIDEOCAMARA Y GRABADORA DIGITAL FRANÇAIS F Manual de Instrucciones ESPAÑOL Es Mini Digital Video Cassette NTSC PUB. DIM-462 Important Usage Instructions WARNING: E WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK AND TO REDUCE ANNOYING INTERFERENCE, USE THE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES ONLY. COPYRIGHT WARNING: Unauthorized recording of copyrighted materials may infringe on the rights of copyright owners and be contrary to copyright laws. Digital Video Camcorder, GL2 systems This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. [. . . ] In MANUAL recording program: If the Video Light was on at the time you switched to MANUAL, it stays on. If it was off at the time you switched to MANUAL, it stays off. Recording Cautions: · Be careful not to touch the bulb or the surrounding area during or immediately after use; it becomes very hot. Keep the Video Light away from flammable or plastic materials. · Do not look directly at the bulb while the Video Light is on. · Never carry the camcorder holding the Video Light. 73 Using the DM-50 Microphone (Optional) E The high sensitive Directional Stereo Microphone DM-50 attaches to the advanced accessory shoe for cable-free operation and is powered by the camcorder's power supply. Refer to the DM-50 Microphone instructions for further details. Turn the camcorder's power off before attaching/removing the microphone. 1. Slide the microphone onto the accessory shoe and tighten with the shoe lock. · Insert the microphone oriented in the direction indicated by the arrow on the bottom until it clicks. · Be careful not to pull off the microphone when fastening the screw. 2. Set the camcorder to TAPE CAMERA mode. Recording · C (Connection) appears in the display. 3. Set the microphone's directivity switch. SHOTGUN: For recording clear sound from the front (monaural). STEREO 1: For recording sound from the front and surrounding area. STEREO 2: For recording surrounding sound in a wider range than in STEREO 1. Notes: · Never carry the camcorder holding the microphone. · The DM-50 will not pick up any sound if another microphone is attached to the camcorder's MIC terminal. 74 Using the MA-300 Microphone Adapter (Optional) E The MA-300 Microphone Adapter enables you to input audio to the camcorder with XLR connector equipped microphones, and to convert video signals for the BNC connector. Refer to the MA-300 Microphone Adapter instructions for further details. Attaching the Microphone Adapter to the Camcorder Turn the camcorder off before attaching/detaching the microphone adapter. 1. Slide the microphone adapter straight onto the camcorder's accessory shoe. · Orient the microphone adapter in the direction indicated with an arrow on the bottom side and slide it in until it clicks. Recording 2. Tighten the shoe lock in the direction of the arrow. Attaching the Microphone Microphone with a diameter of 25 mm can be attached directly to the microphone adapter. Depending on how you attach the microphone, it may pick up some vibration noise. 1. Loosen the microphone clamp screw and open the microphone clamp. Place the microphone into the microphone clamp and tighten the clamp screw. · Position the microphone so that it does not appear on the camcorder's LCD or viewfinder screen. 3. Connect the microphone to the audio input jack. Turn the camcorder's power on. · C (connection) appears on the camcorder's LCD or viewfinder screen when the camcorder is in record or record pause mode. [. . . ] (c) The digital video equipment is used for commercial, professional or industrial purposes. This limited warranty does not cover the cabinet (exterior finish) of the digital video equipment, video cassette tapes, head cleanings, nor does it apply to digital video equipment purchased outside Canada. TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE Ship your Canon digital video equipment in its original carton, box or equivalent, properly packed, fully insured with shipping charges prepaid, together with a copy of your bill of sale or other proof of purchase and a description of the problem to any of the Canon Service Facilities in Canada. LIMITATIONS Except as otherwise required by applicable legislation, this warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, conditions, guarantees or representations, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, relative to this Canon product, including implied warranties or conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. [. . . ]


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