Manual de instrucciones CITIZEN SLD-366

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Mode d'emploi CITIZEN SLD-366
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso CITIZEN SLD-366

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Bruciatori gas Sono di diverse dimensioni e potenze. Scegliete quello più adatto al diametro del recipiente da utilizzare. Il bruciatore prescelto può essere regolato dalla manopola corrispondente come segue: • Spento Massimo Minimo Per accendere uno dei bruciatori, avvicinare allo stesso una fiamma o un accenditore, premere a fondo e ruotare la manopola corrispondente in senso antiorario fino alla posizione di massima potenza. Nei modelli dotati di dispositivo di sicurezza "F", è necessario mantenere premuta la manopola per circa 6 secondi finchè non si scalda il dispositivo che mantiene automaticamente accesa la fiamma . [. . . ] • The cookware is centered correctly on the burner or electric hot plate. • The support grids have not been inverted. If, despite all of these checks, the cooktop does not function properly and problem persists, call the nearest Merloni Elettrodomestici Customer Service Centre, informing them of: - The type of problem. - The abbreviation used to identify the model (Mod. Never call upon technicians not authorized by the manufacturer, and refuse to accept spare parts that are not original. 16 Safety Is a Good Habit to Get Into To maintain the EFFICIENCY and SAFETY of this appliance, we recommend: • call only the Service Centers authorized by the manufacturer • always use original Spare Parts • • This manual is for a class 3 built-in cooktop. This appliance is designed for non-professional use in the home and its features and technical characteristics must not be modified. These instructions are only valid for the countries the symbols for which appear on the manual and the serial plate. The electrical system of this appliance is safe only when it is correctly connected to an adequate earthing system, as required by current safety standards. Striking the ceramic glass cooking surface (if present) with pointed objects; Closing the glass top (if present) while the gas burners or electrical hot plates are still hot; Trying to install or repair the appliance without the assistance of qualified personnel. • • Prevent children and the disabled from coming into contact or having access to the following, as they are possible sources of danger: - The controls and the appliance in general; - The packaging (plastic bags, polystyrene, nails, etc. ); - The appliance, during and immediately after use given the heat generated by its use; - The ceramic glass cooking surface (if present) immediately before and after use, as the cooking surface will remain hot for at least a half hour after being turned off; - The appliance when no longer in installed (in this case, all potentially dangerous parts must be made safe). The following should be avoided: - Touching the appliance with wet parts of the body; - Using the appliance with bare feet; - Pulling on the appliance or the power supply cord to disconnect them from the electrical outlet; - Improper and/or dangerous use; - Obstructing the ventilation or heat dissipation slots; - Allowing the power supply cord of small appliances to come into contact with the hot parts of the cooktop; - Exposure to atmospheric agents (rain, sun); - Using flammable liquids nearby; - Using adaptors, multiple outlet plugs and/or extensions; - Using unstable or deformed cookware; - Leaving the electric hobs on (or the ceramic glass cooking surface) without cookware on top of them; - Using the ceramic glass cooking surface (if present) as a counter top; - Turning on the radiant heating elements (if present) when there is aluminum foil or plastic objects on the ceramic glass surface; The assistance of qualified personnel must be called upon in the following cases: - Installation (in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions); - When in doubt about the operation of the appliance; - Replacement of the electrical outlet becuase it is incompatible with the plug. Contact service centers authorized by the manufacturer in the following cases: When in doubt about the condition of the appliance after having removed the packing; - Damage to or replacement of the power supply cord; - In the case of a breakdown or malfunction: ask for original spare parts. The supply of said air can be effected by means of direct influx from the outside through a duct with a inner cross section of at least 100 cm² which must not be able to be accidentally blocked. Those appliances which are not fitted with a safety device to prevent the flame from accidentally going out must have a ventilation opening twice the size otherwise required, i. e. Otherwise, the room can be vented indirectly through adjacent rooms fitted with ventilation ducts to the outside as described above, as long as the adjacent rooms are not shared areas, bedrooms or present the risk of fire (Fig. B). Detail A Adjacent Room Room to be Vented Min. Fig. C d) Should the hob be installed directly under a cupboard, the letter should be at least 700mm (millimetres) from the worktop, as shown in Fig. e) The dimensions of the room for the furniture must be those indicated in the figures in the last two pages of the cover. Fixing hooks are provided which allow to place the hob plate on work tops that measure from 20 to 40 mm in thickness (see Fig. To obtain a good fixing of the hob plate it is advisable to use all the hooks supplied. min. 55 mm. Min. 420 mm. 475 mm . A Examples of ventilation holes for comburant air. Enlarging the ventilation slot between window and floor. 835 mm. Fig. D 18 Hook position for H=30mm top Hook position for H=40mm top Front ascertained that it is adaptable to the type of gas to be used. If not, follow the instructions indicated in the paragraph headed “Adaptation to different gas types”. [. . . ] La rampe d’alimentation de l’appareil est munie d’un raccord en “L” orientable avec joint d’étanchéité. S’il est nécessaire de faire tour ner le raccord, il faut impérativement remplacer le joint d’étanchéité (fourni avec l’appareil). Le raccord d’entrée du gaz à l’appareil est fileté G 1/2 taraud cylindrique. Raccordement du tuyau flexible en acier Le raccord d’entrée du gaz à l’appareil est fileté G 1/2 taraud cylindrique. Utiliser exclusivement des tuyaux conformes à la Norme en vigueur et des joints d’étanchéité conformes à la norme en vigueur. [. . . ]


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