Manual de instrucciones CORBERO FC1850V/0

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Mode d'emploi CORBERO FC1850V/0
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso CORBERO FC1850V/0

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Estas advertencias han sido redactadas para su seguridad y para la seguridad de los demás. Le rogamos, por lo tanto, leerlas atentamente antes de instalar y utilizar el aparato. Fix cover (D) on guide (B) until it clips into place. B D PR167/1 Seguridad · Este aparato ha sido proyectado para ser usado por adultos. Por lo tanto, tener cuidado que los niños no se acerquen para jugar con él. Es peligroso modificar o intentar modificar las características de este aparato. [. . . ] If the domestic power supply socket is not earthed, connect the appliance to a separate earth in compliance with current regulations, consulting a specialist technician. The Manufacturer declines all responsibility if the above safety precautions are not observed. · · It must be possible to disconnect the appliance from the mains power supply; the plug must therefore be easily accessible after installation · · 6 19 MAINTENANCE Unplug the appliance before carrying out any maintenance operation. · Los símbolos en las tapas de los compertimentos y cubetas indican diferentes tipos de productos congelados. Las cifras indican el tiempo de conservación en meses para cada tipo de producto congelado. La validez del valor máximo o mínimo establecido tiempo de conservación de los productos congelados depende de la calidad y de la preparación de ellos antes de ser congelados. Consejos para conservación de alimentos congelados Para utilizar de la mejor manera el compartimento, es necesario: · · · que el transporte desde la compra hasta su colocación en el compartimento sea breve; no abrir demasiado frecuentemente la puerta ni dejarla abierta más de lo necesario; una vez descongelados los alimentos se deterioran en povo tiempo y no pueden ser congelados nuevamente. Periods of non-operation When the appliance is not in use for long periods, take the following precautions: remove the plug from the wall socket; remove all food; defrost and clean the interior and all accessories; leave the door ajar to allow air to circulate to prevent unpleasant smells. · Periodic cleaning Clean the inside with warm water and bicarbonate of soda. Clean the condenser (black grill) and the compressor at the back of the appliance with a brush or a vacuum cleaner. This operstion will improve the performance of the appliance and save electricity consumption. No colocar en el compartimento de congelación bebidas gaseosas; pueden estallar. Interior light The light bulb inside the refrigerator compartment can be reached as shown in figure. If the light does not come on when the door is open, check that it is screwed into place properly. If it still does not light up, change the bulb. The rating is shown on the light bulb cover. D411 MANTENIMIENTO Temporadas largas de inactividad Desenchufar siempre el aparato antes de proceder a cualquier operación de limpieza. Durante los períodos en los cuales el aparato no esté funcionando observar las siguientes precauciones: · · · · desenchufarlo; sacar todos los alimentos; limpiar el interior y los accesorios. Girar el mando del termostato (E) en la posición deseada o enchufar otre vez el aparato. Poner el congelador en situación de congelación rápida. Pasadas dos o tres horas, el congelador está de nuevo listo para la conservación de los alimentos congelados. D068 HINTS Hints for refrigeration Useful hints: Meat (all types): wrap in polythene bags and place on the glass shelf above the vegetable drawer. For safety, store in this way only one or two days at the most. Cooked foods, cold dishes, etc. . : these should be covered and may be placed on any shelf. Fruit and vegetables: these should be thoroughly cleaned and placed in the special drawer(s) provided. Butter and cheese: these should be placed in special airtight containers or wrapped in aluminium foil or polythene bags to exclude as much air as possible. Milk bottles: these should have a cap and should be stored in the bottle rack on the door. Bananas, potatoes, onions and garlic, if not packed, must not be kept in the refrigerator. · · wrap up the food in aluminium foil or polythene and make sure that the packages are airtight; do not allow fresh, unfrozen food to touch food which is already frozen, thus avoiding a rise in temperature of the latter; lean foods store better and longer than fatty ones; salt reduces the storage life of food; water ices, if consumed immediately after removal from the freezer compartment, can possibly cause the skin to be freeze burnt; it is advisable to show the freezing-in date on each individual pack to enable you to keep tab of the storage time; The symbols on the drawers show different types of frozen goods. The numbers indicate storage times in months for the appropriate types of frozen goods. [. . . ] You must read them carefully before installing or using the appliance. General Safety · B This appliance is designed to be operated by adults. Children should not be allowed to tamper with the controls or play with the product. It is dangerous to alter the specifications or modify this product in any way. Before any cleaning or maintenance work is carried out, be sure to switch off and unplug the appliance. [. . . ]


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