Manual de instrucciones EMPHASER EBR

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Mode d'emploi EMPHASER EBR
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso EMPHASER EBR

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Die Trennfrequenz des Tiefpasses für den Subwoofer und der Hochpässe der Komponenten- oder Koaxialsysteme sollte vorab auf ca. 80Hz eingestellt werden, was eine gute Ausgangsbasis für das Austesten der akustisch korrekten Anschlusspolung des Subwoofers darstellt. Phasenrichtige Polung: Bedingt durch die Wegstreckendifferenz der Schallanteile vom Komposystem in den Vordertüren und dem Subwoofer im Kofferraum muss durch Umpolen des Subwoofer Anschlusskabels am Terminalstecker die besser klingende Anschlussvariante ausgetestet werden. [. . . ] For normal compact type cars an 18dB/oct. lowpass for the sub channel(s) in combination with 12dB/oct. highpass filtered channels feeding the satellite speakers will usually render best phase match on the x-over frequency. The lowpass and highpass cut off / cut in frequency points should be set to approx. 80 Hz, in order to test the best connection polarity of your subwoofer. Phase optimized connection polarity: The correct and best sounding polarity for your subwoofer needs to be determined empirically , , by ear", due to the different sound wave path lenghts by the component system mounted to the front doors and the sub playing in the trunk. This is carried out by connecting the speaker wire to the plug of the subwoofer either correctly "in-phase" or with reversed connection polarity ­ while the resulting sound needs to be judged sitting on the drivers seat and with the trunk closed. You can further improve the phase match of the sub to the satellite speakers, if your amp features a phase shift control function, or if the headunit deploys a DSP offering time alignment of sat/sub channels. Once you have found the correct or better sounding connection polarity of your sub, you can re-mount the top of the terminal plug. The final adjustments now center around the lowpass crossover frequency point and input level gain of the amp channels driving the subwoofer. In general, the lowpass crossover frequency should be set in between 65 to 90 Hz. Note: Selecting a very low crossover frequency (<70Hz) will give you soft and infra-bass heavy sound, whereas setting the x-over frequency too high tends to let you end up with an , , over-booming" sound character lacking low end extension. CONNECTION TO THE AMP Remove the top part of the speaker plug. Connect the speaker wires coming from the amp to the binding posts located inside the plug of the terminal. Do not remount the top of the plug yet, as the correct connection polarity of the speaker cable connecting the sub to the amp must be determined first, to obtain in phase response between subwoofer and satellite speakers. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Peak input power: Continuous input power: Sensitivity (1W/1m): Frequency response (-3dB in car): Nominal impedance: Dimensions (WxDxH mm): EBR110S4 800 W 400 W 89 dB 35 ­ 95 Hz 4 Ohms 520 x 380 x 320 EBR112S4 900 W 900 W 92 dB 30 ­ 95 Hz 4 Ohms 582 x 440 x 395 ­ Technical construction and specifications subject to changes without notice ­ WARRANTY YEARS 2 WARRANTY CONDITIONS GARANTIE: 2 JAHRE Der Hersteller gewährleistet auf diesen EMPHASER EBR-S4 Gehäusesubwoofer für den Fall von Material- oder Herstellungsfehlern zwei Jahre Garantie, geltend ab dem Kaufdatum im Fachhandel. [. . . ] Should you have difficulties to find an authorized EMPHASER service center, details are available from the national distributor in the country of purchase. WARRANTY LIMITATIONS: This warranty does not cover any damage due to: 1. Speaker overload due to excessive or distorted amplifier power (clipping) etc. [. . . ]


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