Manual de instrucciones HAUPPAGE WINTV-CI QI

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HAUPPAGE WINTV-CI QI

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] A blue screen will open which will begin installing and updating the drivers for your product. Once complete, a message appears in the bar. If this message is Drivers have been updated Successfully, click on the bar to exit. If the message reports an error, check the connection of your WinTV, or contact our technical support. Hauppauge Computer Works, Ltd. 10 Borough High Street Bank Chambers London, UK, SE1 9QQ www. hauppauge. co. uk Tech Support: (+44) 0207 378 0202 Telephone: (+44) 0207 378 1997 Fax: (+44) 0207 357 9171 support@hauppauge. co. uk Next, click on Step 2: Install WinTV and select your language from the list. The setup window should appear and begin to automatically install the WinTV applications. Contents of the WinTV-CI package G G G G WinTV-CI USB Cable WinTV-Installation CD-ROM-ROM including the new WinTV v6 application This installation guide 2. [. . . ] Snapshot: Set the size of your captured images, plus single or two field captures for capturing motion or still image video. Audio: Your audio settings are configured here. Snapshot Still capture Current TV channel Click your right mouse button here to see the channel selector Menu Button Click the Menu button to open the TV setup menu. Here is the main control bar for TV channels, and duplicate controls for other functions: Suite-Manager: Configure the TV tuner (scanning, channel pre set, etc. ) and setting up favourite channel lists. Configuration: Duplicate configuration menus for colour, audio, etc. View: For settings an exact TV window size: 320x240, 640x480 etc. Secondly, click "View" and "Show Hidden Devices". From the scan page perform a channel scan as you would normally with your WinTV device, refer to the full manual or quick installation guide for your WinTV product if you need assistance with this. TV-Mode Pause Record Playback Changing channels You can change channels by using the Channel Up or Channel Down buttons on the WinTV. You can type a channel number (for example: 27) and WinTV will tune to that channel. If the entered channel does not exist, you will see a black window. You can also right click in the Current TV channel box, where you will see a list of channels. Or type letters (for example: BBC) to access to the list of the channels including these letters. Now if Live TV is running you will see a second device "WinTV-CI BDA (11xxx)" under Sound Video and Game Controllers. If this device is shown your WinTV-CI is correctly installed. TV Mode When you click the Full screen TV button, TV will appear full screen on your PC monitor. When finished watching TV full screen, click your right mouse button in the TV window. If you see video with a black box around it, click the Pref button then click TV mode tab. Check the box which says "Allow resolution change". "Always on top" Mode The WinTV application will remain in view over any other applications even if it is not selected. To turn on, click the Always on top button. A convenient way to use Always-on-top is to make the TV window in the no-title mode small, and to make the TV window in the title mode larger. Then you can switch from a small window to a larger one by clicking the right mouse button. Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Watch PayTV To decode PayTV channels you need a suitable Conditional Access Module (CAM) and compatible SmartCard (not included in this package). Make sure the WinTV-CI is plugged into a USB2 port. Insert the SmartCard into the CAM as far as it will go, insure that the SmartCard is the correct way up (typically the pins for the chip will be facing upright), do not force the SmartCard in it should slide in smoothly. Insert the CAM into the WinTV-CI as far as it will go, insure that the CAM is the correct way up (typically the coloured label will be facing upright), do not force the CAM in it should slide in smoothly. You can now start the WinTV application (double click on the WinTV icon on your desktop) and change to a PayTV channel, if everything is correct the channel should now be displayed. From here you can use the onscreen menu to check Subscription Status, change Parental Controls or change your PIN numner. Troubleshooting I see the message "The CAM menu is only available while recording or watching TV" The WinTV-CI CAM Menu Application is only available while WinTV is running Live TV. Please make sure WinTV is running and is tuned to a Digital Channel and retry. I see the message "No CAM detected. [. . . ] If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: G reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. G increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. G connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. G consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. [. . . ]


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