Manual de instrucciones HAUPPAGE WINTV-HVR-3000 QI

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Mode d'emploi HAUPPAGE WINTV-HVR-3000 QI

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   HAUPPAGE WINTV-HVR-3000 QI (750 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HAUPPAGE WINTV-HVR-3000 QI

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Installing the WinTV-HVR board To install, switch off the computer and remove the computer cover. The manufacturer of your PC supplies instructions on removing the PC cover. 5. Install the WinTV-HVR Windows XP driver 6. WinTV Software Installation To start the WinTV2000 software installation, click Start / Run then type your CD-ROM drive letter (for example: D:\) and then Setup. exe. [. . . ] Clicking the Slow Motion button again, will continue playing normally. 10. WinTV-Scheduler WinTV-Scheduler allows you to schedule the recording of TV shows. Clicking the Rewind button again will continue the playing of the video. 9. Using a external source If you are using a external source like a Hi-8 Camcorder, Video recorder etc, then you will need to connect via the S-Video/Composite for the Video picture and Line-Input for the sound. If you are using a Scart to composite (RCA Yellow phono) lead, please ensure that the signal is being sent in the correct direction from the Scart lead to the phono connection. A scart to S-Video lead, in most cases, will not work correctly and will only give you a black and white picture. Fast forward button Clicking the Fast Foward button one time will fast foward your video at 2X speed. Clicking the Fast Foward button two times will fast foward your video at 8X speed. Clicking the button again will continue playing back at normal speed. N N N Slow motion button Clicking the Slow Motion button during playback will cause the video to play in slow motion. Clicking the Slow Motion button again will return the video to normal playback speed. Configuring a external source in WinTV2000 In the WinTV2000 application click the Menu, suite manager and sources. To add the S-Video or Composite channel highlight the entry and then select the Video Format from the drop down list. File button Clicking the File button opens the File menu. The last file recorded is listed in the File name box. In the File menu you can: Rename your recorded video file: To rename a video file, find the file you would like to rename, highlight it with your mouse, and click and hold the right mouse button. Go down to Rename and then you can type in a new name. Remember: you must keep the MPG extension on the file. Play a video file previously recorded: Find the file you would like to play, highlight it with your mouse (one click of the mouse button) and click Open. Delete recorded video files which you no longer want: Click your right mouse button on the video file once, go down the menu and click Delete. The items that need to be set for each event are: Time to Begin Program: set to the desired start time. The default time is about 3 minutes from the current time. Click on the hour to set the hour, the minute to set the minute and the second (if you feel this is necessary) to set the second to start the program. ote: It takes about 10 seconds to launch the WinTV and set up for recording, so set the Time to Begin Program to 1 minute before the time your TV show actually starts. Replay button While in the Pause mode, hitting the Replay button acts like the Instant Replay you see on TV broadcast sporting events: the audio/video goes back in time and you repeat what you have previously seen. Each click of the Replay button causes audio/video to go back 10 seconds. For example, if you want to repeat the audio/video you saw 10 seconds ago, you would click the Replay button once. If you want to see the video you saw one minute ago, you would need to click the Replay button six times. [. . . ] Troubleshooting To uninstall the Driver and Software To uninstall the software simply run the hcwclear. exe off theHauppauge installation CD-ROM and select the last 1 option and the entry "search all INF files etc". If you now select "OK" a black screen will briefly appear and once it has disappeared the software will be removed. If you now re-start the computer you will be at Step 5 on page 3 of this document and can now re-install the software. "Error code 10" during installation This is caused by a failure to load the WinTV-HVR-3000 drivers. [. . . ]


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