Manual de instrucciones HAUPPAGE WINTV-HVR-4000 CYBERLINK QI

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HAUPPAGE WINTV-HVR-4000 CYBERLINK QI

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] When it is completely booted, the Add New Hardware Wizard will appear. Insert the Hauppauge Installation CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Select Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended). Click Next. Select the type of speaker setup that you are using and click Next. ote: If you see a Hardware Installation box that mentions that the driver is not digitally signed, click the "Continue Anyway" button to continue the installation. N Select the region that you are located in and click Next. 2. [. . . ] This section will explain how to scan in analog, digital DVB-T and digital DVB-S. You can configure a signal input by selecting Settings / TV / Signal settings. Analog TV Setup Select if you are using a Cable or Antenna signal and click Next. Click on Autoscan for TV Channels Now to start searching for TV channels. During the channel scan the TV pictures will breifly appear. Once the channel scan is finished click on Complete. 6. CyberLink Software Installation To start the software installation, click Start / Run then type your CDROM drive letter (for example: D:\) and then Setup. exe. Click Next. and follow the on screen instructions to install the software. Once the installation is complete, please re-start your computer. Select the region that you are located in and click Next. Digital DVB-S/DVB-S2 TV Setup Select Digital (DVBS) and click Next. N ote: for using a RCA Yellow Phono composite input you must use the supplied S-Video to composite adapter. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Select the region that you are located in and click Next. You can search for FM Radio stations. 8. Installing the Remote Control software The remote control software is installed automatically during the installation of the WinTV applications. You will see the WinTV Remote icon in the Device Tray. The installation will add a shortcut to IR. EXE to the Startup group, so that IR. EXE is loaded every time after Windows has booted. If you need to restart the remote control, select Restart IR from the Start \ All Program Files \ WinTV directory. Please ensure the following before trying to use this option: 1. Infrared Remote control - Has batteries inserted 2. Infrared-Receiver, is fully connected to the IR socket of the WinTV-Card 3. Infrared software is started - The IR icon is on the start bar To start the PowerCinema press the GO button. Use the scroll up and down button to select PowerCinema and press OK to select. 9. Troubleshooting To uninstall the Driver and Software To uninstall the software simply run the hcwclear. exe off theHauppauge installation CD-ROM and select the last 1 option and the entry "search all INF files etc". If you now select "OK" a black screen will briefly appear and once it has disappeared the software will be removed. If you now re-start the computer you will be at Step 5 on page 2 of this document and can now re-install the software. "Error code 10" during installation This is caused by a failure to load the WinTV-HVR-4000 drivers. Uninstall the software (as above) and then follow the instructions from page 3. If this still gives you an error message move the WinTV-HVR4000 to a different PCI slot and re-install the drivers again. [. . . ] FCC ID: H90WINTV CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance to the FCC Rules could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. CE Statement: This equipment has been tested and complies with EN 55013, EN 55020 and IEC 801-3 part 3 standards. You can search for music that is already stored on your computer which will add it to a play list. Electronic Program Guide The EPG shows you what's on TV for up to 2 weeks in advance. You can use the EPG to shedule recordings while you are not sitting at the PC. There are 2 options for recieving the EPG data: Using a pay service epgData. com Using a free service NexTView Select the NexTView option and click Next. When the searching is finished click on Complete. The setup wizard is now complete, click Next to finish. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) The device may not be disposed of with household rubbish. [. . . ]


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