Manual de instrucciones HAUPPAGE WINTV-NOVA-TD STICK QI

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HAUPPAGE WINTV-NOVA-TD STICK QI

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Connecting the WinTV-NOVA-TD Please ensure that Windows XP or Windows Vista is correctly installed and started before connecting the WinTV-NOVA-TD Stick to your computers USB 2. 0 port. Due to power and bandwidth requirement, we do not recommend connecting the unit into a USB Hub. To install, locate a free USB 2. 0 port (normally located at the side or back on the computer). Plug the WinTV-NOVA-TD stick into the USB 2. 0 port. [. . . ] After installation, WinTV-Scheduler can be found by going to Start / Program files / Hauppauge WinTV. To set up an event for timed watching or recording, click on the Add Program. The items that need to be set for each event are: Source selection: leave set at WinTV to bring up the WinTV at the requested time and on the requested channel. Select Reminder to just pop-up a text file as reminder. Time to Begin Program: set to the desired start time. The default time is about 3 minutes from the current time. Click on the hour to set the hour, the minute to set the minute to start the program. 6. The 7 Day EPG What is 7 Day EPG for WinTV Certain digital DVB-T channels, along with their TV programmes, contain a TV channel guide. This guide is a listing of the programs being shown for the next 7 days, and includes the TV programme name, programme start times and length. The 7 Day EPG for WinTV extracts TV guide data from a DVB-T channel which contains this data. When the Hauppauge 7 Day EPG opens up with its chart of times and TV programs, it reads the EPG database and formats the 7 Day EPG guide window. If you would like to record one of these TV programmes listed in the 7 Day EPG for WinTV window, you simply click the "Record" button and at the correct time your TV show will be recorded on your PC. Configure the EPG Service: Start with system boot - Starts the EPG Service automatically each time you start your computer. Start minimize - Starts the EPG Service minimized in the system tray. Record program ahead/longer Specifies the recording overlap before and after a scheduled recording. Server Port No: Specifies which port the EPG Service should run on (Default is port 80 however if you are hosting your own webpage you will need to alter this). How to use 7 Day EPG for WinTV 1. You should see an icon close to the Windows clock. You will reach the menus of the 7 Day EPG by a right click on this icon. You should then see the EPG Service window: It show the status of the EPG service. The buttons below the window give you the following controls: · Start/stop the EPG Service · Modify the current settings · Open the EPG help file · Exit the EPG application To view the EPG guide click 'View EPG' See Step 4 for more information. N ote: It is always possible that your TV show will be transmitted in advance or late, and it takes about 10 seconds to launch the WinTV and set up for recording. Please set the Time to Begin Progam few minutes before the time your TV show should starts. WinTV-Scheduler works by using the Windows Task Scheduler to launch WinTV at the chosen time. WinTV-Scheduler sets up a command line in Task Scheduler to run WinTV, specifying a TV channel and a length of time to record. N ote: You cannot access the Wing settings until you have purchased the optional transcoder software, for more informations see www. hauppauge. com/wing. Please refer to the WING manual for information on using the Wing settings. Program Duration: set the duration of this event, using the arrows (steps of 30 minutes) or directly the keyboard. [. . . ] You can manually search for Digital TV stations by entering the LCN number for your local transmitter. If you enter your post code in this link: www. wolfbane. com/cgi-bin/tvd. exe?you will be presented with the local transmitters. If you then open the WinTV application, in the channel suite manager click on sources and DVB-T source. [. . . ]


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