Manual de instrucciones HONEYWELL KALTECSOFT KS10S

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HONEYWELL KALTECSOFT KS10S

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] KaltecSoft KS10S Einbauanleitung · Installation instruction · Istruzioni di montaggio · Instrucciones de instalación + Regeneration Menu / OK KaltecSoft EB-KS10S Rev. E Anleitung zum späteren Gebrauch aufbewahren!Conservare le istruzioni per uso successivo!¡Guardar estas Instrucciones para su uso futuro! Enthärtungsgerät KaltecSoft Softener KaltecSoft Addolcitore d'acqua KaltecSoft Descalcificador KaltecSoft D 1. [. . . ] Confirm with MENU / OK o Display Hardness flashes HARDNESS 4. Set the raw water hardness by pressing + or The hardness of the raw water can be inquired from the water distribution company. Confirm with MENU / OK o Display Regeneration time flashes 10. The device is ready for operation 10. 3 Setting the mix water hardness It is recommended to set a residual water hardness of at least 8°dH to avoid corrosion damages. It is recommended to check the output water hardness regularly (2 times a year). Setting the mix water hardness by turning the screw at the base of the diluting device o Use screwdriver o Turn counter-clockwise = increase water hardness on output side o Turn clockwise = decrease water hardness on output side 2. Check the mix water hardness at a tapping point o Open tapping point completely to ensure sufficient flow 3. Readjust by turning the screw if necessary REGENERATION TIME 6. Set the desired time for the regeneration by pressing + or Honeywell GmbH 11 MU1H-1417GE23 R0110 GB 11. Operation 11. 1 Changing time raw water hardness and residual water hardness 1. MENU / OK o Display Current time flashes 2. Continue with point 2 to 7 chapter 10. 2 No regeneration needs to be carried out. 11. 2 Initiating a manual regeneration It is possible to initiate a manual regeneration (within the 4-day interval). The manual regeneration is carried out immediately. Press the REGENERATION key for 5 seconds o Display Regeneration active flashes o Continue with point 2 to 11 chapter 10. 2 The settings, excluding the time remain intact, but need to be confirmed with MENU / OK . The regeneration needs to be carried out to return to the normal operating mode. 12. Maintenance In compliance with European and national norms (e. g. DIN 1988 part 8) regular maintenance must be conducted. Maintenance work should only be carried out be qualified staff!The completed maintenance work needs to be documents in the maintenance log (chapter 17). The following maintenance work needs to be carried out: 12. 1 Replace disinfection unit The disinfection unit has a service life of 100 regenerations (about 1 year) and needs to be replaced after that. Maintenance work should only be carried out be qualified staff!Please contact your professional plumber or Honeywell's technical customer services. [. . . ] ¡Los trabajos de mantenimiento sólo podrán ser realizados por personal especializado cualificado!Los trabajos de mantenimiento realizados deben quedar documentados en el protocolo de mantenimiento (capítulo 17). 25 Honeywell GmbH REGENERACIÓN ACTIVA MU1H-1417GE23 R0110 ES Deben realizarse los siguientes trabajos de mantenimiento: 12. 1 Sustituir la unidad de desinfección La unidad de desinfección tiene una vida útil de 100 regeneraciones (aprox. 1 año), al fin de la cual se la debe sustituir. ¡Los trabajos de mantenimiento sólo podrán ser realizados por personal especializado cualificado! [. . . ]


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