Manual de instrucciones INDESIT IDS105

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Mode d'emploi INDESIT IDS105
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso INDESIT IDS105

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Refit the filter - NEVER run the dryer without the filter in position. !Failure to clean the filter after EVERY drying cycle will affect the drying performance of your machine. - It will take longer to dry and as a result will use more electricity during drying. Water Container. . . !You MUST empty the water container after EVERY drying cycle. [. . . ] Dries your clothes on High heat setting, ready for putting away. Dries your clothes on High heat setting, ready for hanging. Dries your clothes on High heat setting, ready for ironing. How to set it. . . Note: 1. Options available: Alarm 8 Start and Programmes The Controls PROGRAMMES knob q !Warning, if after pressing the start button, the programmes knob position is changed, the new position will NOT change the programme selected. Position 0, turning the knob to position 0 resets and cancels a programme. q OPTION buttons / lights These buttons are used to customise the selected programme to your requirements. A programme must have been selected on the programme knob before an option can be selected. Not all options are available for all programmes (see Start and Programmes). If an option is not available and you press the button, the buzzer will beep four times. If the option is available there will be one beep and the option light above the button lights to confirm the selection. After the start button has been pressed only the Alarm option can be changed. To avoid this always empty the water container each time you use the dryer (see Maintenance). q GB Door Opening Opening the door during a programme will stop the dryer and have the following effects: q All 3 progress lights and the 3hr delay light come on. q During a delay phase the delay will continue to count down. The start button must be pressed to resume the delay programme. One of the delay lights will flash to show the current delay setting. q The start button must be pressed to resume the programme. The progress lights will change to show the current status. q During the cool tumble or post creasecare phase of a drying programme and anytime during an Airing or Cool Tumble programme, the programme will finish. Pressing the start button will re-start a new programme at the beginning. q Changing the programmes knob will select a new programme, after you press the start button. You can use this to select the Cool Tumble programme to cool the clothes, if you find them dry enough. q Note If you have a power cut, switch off the power or remove the plug. When the power is restored, press the START button and the programme will resume. 9 Laundry GB Sorting your laundry Check symbols on clothing labels to make sure that the articles can be tumble dried. [. . . ] Try to plug the dryer’s power cord directly into the socket. The PROGRAMMES knob has not been set properly (see Start and Programmes). The START button has not been pressed (see Start and Programmes). You have set a delayed time (see Start and Programmes). [. . . ]


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