Manual de instrucciones JUNO JCK 960S

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Mode d'emploi JUNO JCK 960S
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso JUNO JCK 960S

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Tasto R = reset filtri antigrasso e filtri carbone; quando compare l'allarme filtri (cio sul display si accende il segmento centrale), occorre pulire i filtri antigrasso (sono trascorse 30 ore di funzionamento); se invece il segmento centrale lampeggia, occorre pulire i filtri antigrasso e sostituire i filtri carbone (sono trascorse 120 ore di funzionamento). Chiaramente se la vostra cappa non in versione filtrante e quindi non ha i filtri carbone, dovrete solo pulire i filtri antigrasso, sia che il segmento centrale rimanga acceso, sia che lampeggi. L'allarme filtri appare a motore spento ed visibile per circa 30". Per far ripartire il conteggio delle ore, tenere premuto il tasto per 2 secondi durante la visualizzazione dell'allarme. 18/19: Interruttore A: LUCE; posizione 0: luce spenta; posizione 1: luce accesa. [. . . ] Comply with the official instructions provided by the competent authorities in merit when installing the disposal duct. In addition, exhaust air should not be discharged into a wall cavity, unless the cavity is designed for that purpose. The room must be well aerated in case a hood and some other heat equipment fed with an energy other than electricity (gas, oil, coal heaters, etc) operate at the same time. In fact the intake hood, disposing of air, could create a vacuum in the room. This prevents the gas exhausted by the heat source from being intaken again. It is therefore advisable to ensure the room contains air taps able to ensure a steady flow of fresh air. Check the data label inside the appliance; if the symbol ( ) is printed, read the following: this appliance has such technical particulars that it belongs to class II insulation, therefore it must not be earthed. The following warning is valid in the United Kingdom only: in case your cable is not furnished with a plug, read the following instructions; as the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: the wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured black; the wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured red. Check the data label inside the appliance; if the symbol ) is NOT printed, read the following: ATTENTION: ( This appliance must be earthed. When making the electrical connections, check that the current socket has a ground connection. The following warning is valid in the United Kingdom only: in case your cable is not furnished with a plug, read the following instructions; as the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: the wire which is coloured green and yellow must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the ], or coloured green or letter E or by the earth symbol [ green and yellow; the wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured black; the wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured red. Beim elektrischen Anschluss sicherstellen, dass die Steckdose eine Erdung aufweist. Beim elektrischen Anschluss muss berprft werden, ob die Spannungswerte des Stromnetzes mit den Werten auf dem im Innern des Gertes angebrachten Typenschilds bereinstimmen. Falls Ihr Gert nicht mit einem fest angeschlossenem Kabel mit Stecker oder einer sonstigen Vorrichtung, die eine allpolige Unterbrechung mit einer Kontaktffnung von mindestens 3 mm versehen ist, so mssen die entsprechenden Trennvorrichtungen bei der festen Installation vorgesehen werden. Das Gert so aufstellen, dass der Stecker zugnglich ist, falls Ihr Gert mit einem Netzkabel mit Stecker ausgestattet ist. Vor jeder Reinigungs- oder Wartungsarbeit muss das Gert vom Stromnetz getrennt werden. GEBRAUCH In der unmittelbaren Nhe des Gerts die Benutzung von flammenerzeugenden Materialien (Flambieren) vermeiden. Beim Frittieren besonders auf die Brandgefahr achten, die durch l und Fette verursacht wird. Besonders gefhrlich ist die Entflammbarkeit von bereits benutztem l. Zur Vermeidung einer mglichen Brandgefahr die Anweisungen zur Reinigung der Fettfilter und zur Entfernung eventueller Fettablagerungen auf dem Gert beachten. de tension correspondent celles qui sont indiques sur la plaque des caractristiques de l'appareil, qui se trouve l'intrieur de celui-ci. Si votre appareil, n'a pas de cble flexible qui ne peut pas tre spar ni de prise, ou bien d'autre dispositif qui garantisse le dbranchement de tous les ples du rseau, avec une distance d'ouverture entre les contacts d'au moins 3 mm, ces dispositifs de sparation du rseau doivent alors tre prvus dans l'installation fixe. Si votre appareil est muni d'un cble d'alimentation, positionner l'appareil de manire ce que la fiche soit accessible. Avant de procder une opration d'entretien ou de nettoyage quelconque, dbranchez l'appareil. UTILISATION Evitez d'utiliser des matriaux qui provoquent des flammes proximit de l'appareil. [. . . ] Se o seu aparelho no equipado com cabos flexveis no separveis e com tomada ou com outro dispositivo que garanta o desligamento de todos os polos de rede, com uma distncia de abertura dos contatos de pelo menos 3mm, tais dispositivos de separao da rede devem ser previstos na instalao fixa. Se o seu aparelho possuir cabo de alimentao e ficha, coloc-lo de modo a fazer com que a ficha fique acessvel. Antes de proceder a qualquer operao de limpeza ou manuteno necessrio desligar o aparelho da corrente elctrica. USO Evitar o uso de materiais que causam chamas (flamb) nas imediatas proximidades do aparelho. No caso de frituras prestar especial ateno ao perigo de incendio constitudos por leos o gorduras. [. . . ]


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