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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso KOMPERNASS KH 3259 DIGITAL LASER MEASURING TAPE

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[. . . ] 5 CINTA MÉTRICA LÁSER DIGITAL METRO LASER DIGITALE KH3259 CINTA MÉTRICA LÁSER DIGITAL Instrucciones de uso METRO LASER DIGITALE Istruzioni per l'uso KOMPERNASS GMBH · BURGSTRASSE 21 · D-44867 BOCHUM www. kompernass. com ID-Nr. : KH3259-11/07-V2 DIGITAL LASER MEASURING TAPE Operating instructions DIGITALES LASER-MASSBAND Bedienungsanleitung KH 3259 q w e r 0, 6 mm t y ­ + i u ÍNDICE Uso previsto Indicaciones de seguridad Volumen de suministro Datos técnicos Descripción de aparatos Insertar pilas Empleo PÁGINA 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 Encender/apagar la cinta métrica digital con láser Ajuste de la unidad de medida (cm/m) Uso de la cinta métrica digital con láser Uso de la función de marcado con láser Limpieza y mantenimiento Mantenimiento Evacuación Servicio Importador 7 7 8 9 9 ¡Guardar estas instrucciones para preguntas posteriores ­ e, igualmente entregar éstas, en caso de dar el aparato a terceras personas!-1- CINTA MÉTRICA LÁSER DIGITAL KH 3259 Uso previsto Este producto ha sido diseñado para el uso doméstico en el área del bricolaje, no para el uso industrial. Indicaciones de seguridad Para evitar daños oculares: · · · Este aparato contiene un láser de la clase 2. No oriente nunca el láser hacia las personas ni hacia los animales. No mire nunca directamente al rayo láser. [. . . ] In caso di dubbi, contattare l'azienda di smaltimento competente. Pile Non gettare assolutamente le pile insieme ai normali rifiuti domestici. Le pile possono contenere sostanze tossiche dannose per l'ambiente. Smaltire pertanto le pile unicamente in conformità alle leggi vigenti. Smaltimento dell'imballaggio Smaltire tutti i materiali d'imballo in conformità alle norme per il rispetto dell'ambiente. - 18 - Assistenza Kompernass Service Italia Corso Lino Zanussi 11 33080 Porcia (PN) Tel. : 0434 550833 Fax: 0434 550833 e-mail: support. it@kompernass. com Importatore KOMPERNASS GMBH BURGSTRASSE 21 D-44867 BOCHUM www. kompernass. com - 19 - - 20 - CONTENT Intended use Safety information Items supplied Technical data Appliance description Inserting the batteries Utilisation Digital Laser Tape Measure ­ Switching On/Off Selecting the unit of measurement (cm/m) Using the Digital Laser Tape Measure PAGE 22 22 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 Cleaning and Maintenance Maintenance Disposal Service Importer 27 27 28 29 29 Read the operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass the manual on to whomsoever might acquire the scale at a later date. - 21 - DIGITAL LASER MEASURING TAPE KH 3259 Intended use This product is intended for use by DIY enthusiasts in domestic environments, not for commercial or industrial applications. Safety information To avoid eye damage: · · · This appliance contains a Class 2 Laser. NEVER direct the laser beam at people or animals. NEVER look directly into the laser beam. Do NOT direct the laser beam at strongly reflective materials, such as mirror-like objects. The laser light could be reflected back and into the eyes. Be especially careful if you wear contact lenses or spectacles, and also with light bundling devices such as magnifying glasses. These can intensify the risk for your eyes. - 22 - · · · Do not wear sunglasses or other protective glasses when using the laser. They offer NO protection against the laser light and can interfere with the safe and secure recognition of the laser beam. Never open the housing of the appliance. If you do, there is a risk the laser light could exit without control and cause eye damage. Take steps to ensure that, when the appliance is in use, the beam direction cannot be inadvertantly changed, for example by an accidental collision. This could cause the laser beam to be directed straight into someones eyes. To avoid damaging the device: · · Do not permit dust or dirt to penetrate into the appliance. Do not use it in moist or damp environments. Remove the batteries if you do not intend to use the appliance for an extended period ­ batteries discharge themselves and can then leak. Always and only use replacement batteries of the type detailed in the technical data. To avoid the risks of accidents and personal injuries: · Do not let a wholly or partly drawn-out measuring tape retract abruptly ­ through the momentum it could thrash about and cause injuries. It is best to retract it in short segments only. To avoid cuts and lacerations, keep your hands away from the measuring tape when retracting it. Always check to ensure that the appliance is in a serviceable condition before taking it into use. [. . . ] Durch erneutes Drücken wird das Maßband wieder freigegeben, z. zum automatischen Einziehen oder weiteren Herausziehen. Wenn Sie die Digitalanzeige 4 schon vor dem Herausziehen eingeschaltet haben, zeigt diese den Abstand zwischen der Vorderkante des Geräts und der Einkerbung 1 am Maßband. Wenn Sie die Digitalanzeige 4 erst während oder nach dem Herausziehen einschalten, zeigt diese eine Fehlermeldung , , Err" an. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals ofrece un servicio comunitario para compartir, de archivos en línea, de búsqueda de documentación relacionada con la utilización de materiales o programas: folleto, instrucciones, folleto de utilización, guía de instalación, manual técnico...
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