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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso KOMPERNASS KH 3277 FURNITURE TRANSPORTER

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] 5 TRANSPORTADOR DE MUEBLES KH 3277 TRANSPORTADOR DE MUEBLES Instrucciones de uso FURNITURE TRANSPORTER Operating instructions MÖBELTRANSPORTER Bedienungsanleitung KOMPERNASS GMBH · BURGSTRASSE 21 · D-44867 BOCHUM www. kompernass. com ID-Nr. : KH3277-10/07-V1 KH 3277 u q w e y r t ÍNDICE Indicaciones de seguridad Uso conforme al previsto Volumen de suministro Descripción de aparatos Características técnicas Colocar una pieza de mueble sobre las bases de ruedas Deslizar la pieza de mueble Retirar las bases de ruedas Ayuda para fallos Limpieza Almacenamiento Evacuación Importador PÁGINA 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 Lea con atención las instrucciones de uso antes del primer uso y consérvelas para posteriores utilizaciones. Entréguelas en caso de traspasar el aparato a terceros. -3- TRANSPORTADOR DE MUEBLES KH 3277 Indicaciones de seguridad ¡Peligro de lesiones! · La caída de la carga puede provocar lesiones graves. Asegúrese de que la carga que va a transportar no puede volcar. · El deslizamiento no controlado de la carga puede provocar lesiones graves. [. . . ] · Ensure that all doors and drawers that the piece of furniture might have are secured against unintentional opening before shunting it. · Ensure that there are no obstacles in the way on the shunting route. · Use the furniture transporter with rolling supports only on level surfaces. · Place the rolling supports under the furniture so that the roller-wheels are all facing in the same direction. · Do not allow children or persons in need of constant attention to handle the furniture transporter unsupervised. They may not be able to correctly assess the potential dangers. · Place the rolling supports under the extreme corners of the furniture piece. Thereby, the furniture piece should be placed fully on the bearing surfaces of the rolling supports. · Shunt larger furniture pieces with assistance from a second person. · Ensure that there are no obstacles in the way on the shunting route. · Use the furniture transporter with rolling supports only on level surfaces. Intended Use The furniture transporter with rolling supports is only suitable for shunting furniture over short distances. The furniture transporter with rolling supports is NOT intended for commercial applications. The manufacturer accepts no liability for damages that result from improper use of the appliance or are caused by the incorrect operation of it. Items supplied Immediately after unpacking check to ensure that all components are available and that there are no signs of visible damage to the furniture transporter with rolling supports: · 1 Lever arm with swivelling head · 2 Rolling supports · Operating Instructions Property Damage! · Remove the contents from furniture pieces before lifting and shunting them. · Incorrect placing of the lever arm may cause damage to furniture. Always slide the swivel head of the lever arm under the furniture to the stop plate. - 10 - Appliance description q Lever arm w Hand grip e Rolling supports r Bearing surfaces t Wing nut y Parking brake u Swivel head 1. Hold the lever arm q at the hand grip w. With this you will require the least effort. Push the swivelling head u of the lever arm q under the furniture and in the middle of it (A). To lift the furniture, slowly press the lever arm q down (B). Hold the lever arm q pressed down. Technical data B Load capacity : Length, Rolling supports: Weight: 100 kg 40 - 60 cm ca. 1. 7 kg A Placing furniture on the rolling supports · Ensure that there is sufficient space available to work safely. · Loosen the wing nut t and adjust the length of the rolling supports e to the size of the furniture piece. · Activate the parking brakes y on the rolling supports e. 5. [. . . ] · Lösen Sie die Flügelmutter t und passen Sie die Länge der Rollunterlagen e an das Möbelstück an. Flügelmutter t anschließend wieder festziehen. · Betätigen Sie die Festellbremsen y der Rollunterlagen e. 5. Schieben Sie jeweils eine Rollunterlage e (C) unter die beiden angehobenen Ecken des Möbelstücks. C Hinweis: Um ein ungleichmäßiges Anheben zu vermeiden, setzen Sie den Hebelarm q immer mittig an der anzuhebenden Seite an. - 17 - 6. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals ofrece un servicio comunitario para compartir, de archivos en línea, de búsqueda de documentación relacionada con la utilización de materiales o programas: folleto, instrucciones, folleto de utilización, guía de instalación, manual técnico...
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