Manual de instrucciones KOMPERNASS KH 4164 DESK LAMP

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Mode d'emploi KOMPERNASS KH 4164 DESK LAMP

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   KOMPERNASS KH 4164 DESK LAMP (904 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso KOMPERNASS KH 4164 DESK LAMP

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] 5 LÁMPARA DE ESCRITORIO KH 4164 LÁMPARA DE ESCRITORIO Instrucciones de uso DESK LAMP Operating instructions SCHREIBTISCHLAMPE Bedienungsanleitung KOMPERNASS GMBH · BURGSTRASSE 21 · D-44867 BOCHUM www. kompernass. com ID-Nr. : KH4164-10/07-V2 KH 4164 q e w t r y u ÍNDICE Uso conforme al previsto Indicaciones de seguridad importantes Características técnicas Volumen de suministro Descripción de aparatos Montaje Utilización Cambiar la lámpara Limpieza Mantenimiento Evacuación Importador Asistencia técnica PÁGINA 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 Antes del primer uso lea detenidamente estas instrucciones de uso y conservelas para usos posteriores. Si entrega el aparato a terceros adjunte también las instrucciones de uso. -3- LÁMPARA DE ESCRITORIO KH 4164 Uso conforme al previsto Este producto ha sido previsto para la iluminación adicional de superficies de escritorio en domicilios particulares y sólo para locales secos. Este producto no está diseñado como iluminación única permanente ni para uso comercial o bien comercial, ni tampoco para utilización en zonas de trabajo. Para evitar riesgo de incendio: · Utilice sólo el tipo de bombillas indicadas en los datos técnicos. No utilice medios luminosos potentes ni tampoco los que no disponen de cristal de protección. [. . . ] soft furnishings, beds, waste paper baskets etc. Place the appliance where it cannot be knocked over by falling objects. Intended Use This appliance is intended for use as supplementary illumination for desk-top areas in domestic households and only in dry rooms. This appliance is not intended for use as sole illumination, for industrial or commercial applications or for use in occupational areas. · · · Important safety instructions To avoid potentially fatal electric shocks: · Protect the appliance against moisture. Use it only in dry rooms, do not use it outdoors or close to liquids. Ensure that the power plug is at all times easily accessible, so that it can be quickly and easily removed in the event of potential danger or risk. When in use, ensure that the power cable cannot become jammed/trapped or damaged in any way. Place it such that no one can trip or stumble over it. Should the power cable or the power plug become damaged, arrange for the damaged component to be replaced by Customer Service before continuing to use the appliance. Should the appliance become damaged, immediately remove the plug from the wall socket. Then arrange for the appliance to be checked by Customer Services. After use or during extended absences, ALWAYS remove the plug from the power socket. For as long as the plug is inserted in the wall socket the appliance itself is under electrical power. · · · To avoid the risks of accidents and personal injuries: · When changing the bulb ALWAYS use the supplied suction disc. Do not attempt to change the bulb with your bare fingers. If you do, there is the risk of being injured on the housing edges, by splittering glass or being burnt on hot elements. This appliance is not intended for use by individuals (including children) with restricted physical, physiological or intellectual abilities or deficiences in experience and/or knowledge unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or receive from this person instruction in how the appliance is to be used. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. · · · · · - 10 - Technical data Mains voltage: Power cable length: Power consumption : Protection class: Bulb type: Lamp base: 230-240 V ~ 50Hz 1. 8 m with switch 50 W II / max. 50 W / GU 10 16 cm in diameter Assembly For reasons of transportation the lamp is supplied pre/assembled. First put the components together completely before operating the lamp: · Turn the counterweight q onto the rear of the swivel-arm. · Carefully pull the power cable w so far out of the lamp base until the swivel arm is flush in the lamp base. · Lock the swivel arm into the lamp base with the hexagon spanner e. · Place the suction disc r onto the front of the bulb and press it firmly. Guide the bulb into the bulb holder and secure it by turning it through a quarter-turn in a clockwise direction. Items supplied 1 Desk lamp, pre-assembled 1 Counterweight 1 Hexagon spanner 1 Suction disc for bulb exchanges 1 Operating manual · Check to ensure that the appliance is undamaged, all component parts are present and that packaging remnants are removed from it. Attention! Do not forget to remove the suction disc! [. . . ] Betreiben Sie die Lampe nicht mit aufgesetztem Saugnapf ­ dieser würde durch die Hitze sofort schmelzen. Gerätebeschreibung q w e r t y u Gegengewicht Netzkabel Sechskantschlüssel Saugnapf Schalter Hebel Lampenverstellung Hebel Schwenkarm-Arretierung Verwenden · · Stellen Sie die Lampe an einem geeigneten Ort auf, entsprechend den Sicherheitshinweisen. Stecken Sie den Netzstecker in die Steckdose. Nun können Sie die Lampe am Schalter t ein und ausschalten. Verstellen Sie die Lampe immer nur an dem Hebel y, nicht am Lampengehäuse. [. . . ]


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