Manual de instrucciones LENCO DVP-746 QUICK GUIDE

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Lastmanuals permite descargar las instrucciones LENCO DVP-746.

Mode d'emploi LENCO DVP-746
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso LENCO DVP-746QUICK GUIDE

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] [. . . ] Place the antenna near a window when used indoors and place the antenna on a metal surface. -switch the power on -the installation wizard will start -follow the on-screen instructions -when ready, the first TV channel will be displayed -use the /CH+ and /CH- buttons to change channels Playing a Disc : -switch the power on -open the top cover -press open button to open the disc cover -load a disc with the label side up and close the disc cover -repeatedly press the DVD/USB/DVB-T button to Select DVD mode / (on the remote) or -press player) to start play. / || (on the Menu Layout: When using the unit with it's internal battery you should first charge it. Turn the units power to off when charging. The orange LED will light up when the battery is fully charged. For a more detailed description of how to customize the TV/DVD settings to your personal taste, or how to connect an external device, please refer to the operation manual. [. . . ] [. . . ]


Lastmanuals ofrece un servicio comunitario para compartir, de archivos en línea, de búsqueda de documentación relacionada con la utilización de materiales o programas: folleto, instrucciones, folleto de utilización, guía de instalación, manual técnico...
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