Manual de instrucciones LG BH9430PW

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Mode d'emploi LG BH9430PW

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   LG BH9430PW (7302 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso LG BH9430PW

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] OWNER’S MANUAL Cinema 3D Sound Blu-ray™ Home Cinema System Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference. BH9230BW (BH9230BW, S93B1-S, S93T1-C/W, T2, W3-4) BH9430PW (BH9430PW, S93T1-S/C/W, S93B1-S, T2, W3-4) BH9530TW (BH9530TW, S93T1-S/C/W, T2, W3-4) P/NO : SAC35713604 2 Getting Started Safety Information 1 Getting Started CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK) NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. This lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product. [. . . ] 2. Select an [Option] using A/D, and press ENTER (b). To control video playback eroy You can control playback and set options while watching videos. During playback, press INFO/MENU (m). a Progress bar - Displays the current position and total playing time. b [Disc Menu] - Accesses menu on a disc. c [Title/Popup] - Displays the DVD title menu or BD-ROM’s popup menu, if available. d [Option] - Displays playback information. e [Music ID] - When connected to the network, can provide information about the current song during video playback. f [Repeat] - Repeats a desired section or sequence. (page 45) g [3D] - Adjusts the 3D setting. (page 49) a Title – Current title number/total number of titles b Chapter – Current chapter number/total number of chapters c Time – Elapsed playing time/total playback time d Audio – Selected audio language or channel e Subtitle – Selected subtitle. f Angle – Selected angle/total number of angles g TV Aspect Ratio – Selected TV aspect ratio h Picture Mode – Selected picture mode i Movie Information – Select this option and press ENTER (b) to display movie information from Gracenote Media Database (BD-ROM/ DVD only). 4 Operating 44 Operating yy If no button is pressed for a few seconds, the on-screen display disappears. yy A title number cannot be selected on some discs. yy Available items may differ depending on discs or titles. yy If an interactive Blu-ray Disc is playing back, some setting information is displayed on the screen but prohibited to be changed. yy To use the [Movie Information] option, the player must be connected to the broadband internet for accessing the Gracenote Media Database. yy LG is a licensee of Gracenote technology and is not responsible or liable for information from the Gracenote Media Database. Note , , Setting the slide show option You can use various options during viewing a photo in full screen. 1. While viewing pictures, press INFO/MENU (m). 2. Select an [Option] using A/D, and press ENTER (b) 4 Operating a [Speed] - Use A/D to select a delaying speed between photos in a slide show. b [Effect] - Use A/D to select a transition effect between photos in a slide show. c [Music Select] – Select the background music for the slide show (page 49). To control photo view i Controls playback and sets options while viewing pictures in full screen. You can control playback and set options while viewing pictures in full screen. While viewing pictures, press INFO/MENU (m). a [Slideshow] - Starts or pause slide show. b [Music] - Select the background music for the slide show (page 49). [. . . ] Input power Net Dimensions (W x H x D) Net Weight Max. Input power Net Dimensions (W x H x D) Net Weight Max. Input power Net Dimensions (W x H x D) Net Weight Max. Input power Net Dimensions (W x H x D) Net Weight 180 W Built in Rear speakers 360 W 270 mm X 1300 mm X 270 mm 5. 3 kg 360 W 270 mm X 1300 mm X 270 mm 5. 3 kg 360 W 360 mm X 81 mm X 70 mm 1. 1 kg 400 W 251 mm X 336 mm X 310 mm 5. 9 kg 180 W Built in Front speakers Rear speaker (Left/ Right) (S93T1-S) Center speaker (S93T1-C) Subwoofer (S93T1-W) Front Top Speaker (Left/Right) 6 Appendix Input Power Type Impedance Rated Input Power Rear Top Speaker (Left/Right) Wireless receiver (W3-4) Power requirements Power consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) Net Weight (Approx. ) Refer to main label on the bottom of the receiver. [. . . ]


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