Manual de instrucciones LG CRNN096BJG0

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Mode d'emploi LG CRNN096BJG0

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   LG CRNN096BJG0 (3232 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso LG CRNN096BJG0

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] WARNING: Do not install this equipment in a confined space such as a book case or similar unit. CAUTION: Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from over heating. [. . . ] IN Connection Connect an output (earphone or line out) of portable device (MP3 or PMP etc) to the PORT. IN connector 2 Connecting 1 1 1 MP3 player, etc. . Listening to music from your external device , Note  Removing the USB Device from the unit 1. Choose a different function/mode or press Z ENTER on the remote control or I on the unit twice in a row. Remove the USB device from the unit. The unit can be used to play the music from many types of external device. Connect the external device to the PORT. Select the PORTABLE function by pressing FUNC. on the unit or FUNCTION on the remote control. Turn the external device and start playing music. CM1530-DP. AESPLLK ENG 0429. indd 12 2013-03-08 3:17:14 Operating 13 Basic Operations CD/ USB Operations 1. Insert the disc by pressing OPEN or connect the USB device to the USB port. Select the CD or USB function by pressing FUNCTION on the remote control or FUNC. Select a track/file you want to play by pressing Cc/vV on the remote control or C/V on the unit. This will change the tuner from stereo to mono. Then the reception will be better than before. Deleting all the saved stations 1. Press and hold PROGRAM/MEMO for two seconds. “ERASE” will blink in the display window. Press PROGRAM/MEMO to erase all saved radio stations. CM1530-DP. AESPLLK ENG 0429. indd 15 2013-03-08 3:17:15 16 Operating Seeing information about a Radio station The FM tuner is supplied with the RDS (Radio Data System) facility. This shows information about the radio station being listened to. Press RDS repeatedly to cycle through the various data types: PS (Programme Service Name) The name of the channel will appear in the display. (Programme Type Recognition) The programme type (e. g. Jazz or News) will appear in the display. (Radio Text) A text message contains special information from the broadcast station. This text may scroll across the display. [. . . ] (Refer to the page 23)  The disc is inserted upside down. Place the disc with the label or printed side facing upwards. Adjust its position.  The signal strength of the radio station is too weak. Radio stations cannot be tuned in properly. [. . . ]


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