Manual de instrucciones LG GR-L2076EXE

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Mode d'emploi LG GR-L2076EXE
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso LG GR-L2076EXE

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] - The external refrigerating pipe is in collision with each other or the unit wall. - There are foreign objects behind or under the unit. - The noise is generated during compressor operation. Upper drawer Lower drawer Attachment Description Cabinet attachment Printed documents Model Preservation cabinet shelf Fruit box cover Fruit box Revolving icebox Ice storage box Smaller drawer Upper drawer Lower drawer Egg guard Can guard Big bottle guard Tray egg Bottle separation sheet Steel frame User manual GR-L2076EXE RL33SBMS 3 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 RL33EBSW RL33EBMS 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 RL33EASW RL33EAMS 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 When the freezing function is not adequate. - The door is not shut properly. - The door gasket is damaged or deformed, which impairs the sealing effect. [. . . ] (Position the shelf as per the container height) Please refer to product's model and No. while contrasting each other; Before power supply connected, please make sure the matching between refrigeratory's voltage range and supplied voltage. The optional voltage range is from 220V to 240V; if power supply not meeting the requirement, then the auto-transformer with minimum 500 W output power should be used. In case of power supply shutdown, wait for 5 minutes or longer interval for running again lest compressor damaged. Do not place food near temperature sensor lest negative effects to correct display of temperature sensor; In hot seasons, avoid to keep door open long time or to open and close frequently, otherwise the efficiency of total set shall be weakened, and the running load shall also be increased. Keep in mind and do not reverse or make it lie down. If necessary to make it incline, the gradient between cabinet and ground should be less than 45 degree; Do not move it by holding door handle; or to pull or draw the door handle forcibly; If abundant hot items placed in at one time, keeping it open long time or opening frequently, the cabinet temperature shall be increased, and temperature display also flashes. usually it shall recover within 24 hours. The appliance must be installed so that the plug is easily accessible . WARNING Fruit Box Cover To raise up the rear portion, then take it out. Freezer tray Draw out it till the block, lift the shelf rear and pull it out. In case of heavy food stuff preserved in the drawer, hold drawer up slightly and pull it back. Keep ventilation openings, in the appliance enclosure or in the build-in structure, clear of obstruction. Do not use mechanical devices or other means to accelerate the defrosting process, other than those recommended by the manufacturer. User setting: The user setting modes covered all conditions except refrigerator temperature at 5 and freezer temperature at -18 . (Where in user setting mode, there was no indication of "User Setting"). In case of first time power supplied, the refrigerator starts to run automatically in the mode of"Standard" ; upon "Standard/Vacation" Button pressed down, the running modes shall skip repeated along the cycle of "Standard ", "Vacation" and "User setting". In case of not user setting, the running modes shall be selected by the turn of "Standard " and "Vacation" when the "Standard/Vacation" Button was pressed. Please do not put the goods near the temperature sensor to ensure the correct indication of temperature. Store foods in smaller portions. Dry the fruits and vegetables for storage after washing. 2. Press down the button to set refrigerator temperature. Press down the "Fridge" Button and you will hear "Ringing". The indicator displays the current setting of refrigerator temperature. Press the button again to change the setting of refrigerator temperature. Each pressing will make temperature setting display as following steps 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5. Pressing down the temperature button every time will make a "Ringing" sound; 2-4. The setting value shall be confirmed once stopping pressing 5 seconds. it displays the current setting of refrigerator temperature. [. . . ] Lock Function 7-1 After setting and 2 minutes passed, it entered the automatical lock status; 7-2 The lock indication shows that, upon button pressed, there were no pressing sound or relative responses. 7-3 In lock status, press "L ock " button in the control panel to unlock the setting. 7-4 In unlock status, press " Lock " button in the control panel to lock the setting. CONTROL PANEL INTRODUCTION POWER 1 2 3 4 5 TEMP. Power key Temperature Setting 1. Temperature Setting Key FIRST POWER SUPPLY & TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT 1-1. Press down Temperature Setting Key and set refrigeration temperature. If the TEMP SETTING key is activated, the appliance will display the current setting that may changed by repeat pressing actions. [. . . ]


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