Manual de instrucciones MEDION P89615 MD 86421 QUICK START GUIDE

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Mode d'emploi MEDION P89615 MD 86421
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso MEDION P89615 MD 86421QUICK START GUIDE

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Keep these instructions with your device at all times. Please pass these instructions on to the new owner in the event that you transfer the ownership of this device. [. . . ] Enquire about the options for environmentally-friendly disposal. Packaging The device is stored in packaging to avoid damage during transportation. Packaging is mainly produced from materials that can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner and be professionally recycled. Contact your local authority waste department for further information. * 1 GB is equal to 1 billion bytes. The actual amount of available memory may vary. 1 Va/08/11 Getting Started Connecting Remove the microSDHC memory card from the protective cover and push it into the microSDHC card slot on your computer, mobile, digital camera or PDA. Put the microSDHC memory card into the SD adapter supplied and push the adapter into an SDHC card slot, if you want to use the microSDHC memory card in an SDHC card slot. The microSDHC memory card will then be recognised and the operating system will allocate a free drive letter to it. You will now be able to use the memory card as a hard drive (copy, delete data, etc. ) The memory of the card can also be deleted and used for new files. Removing the microSDHC Card Make sure that no data transfer is taking place before removing the microSDHC memory card. Keep the microSDHC memory card in the protective cover supplied with it after it has been removed. Erste Hilfe bei Fehlfunktionen microSDHC Card is not recognized:  Is the device connected correctly? Check that the card slots are connected correctly in the Windows® Device Manager. Also check that the USB connection is connected if you are operating the microSDHC memory card through a card reading device at a USB connection of your PC. Data cannot be read / written:  Have you formatted the microSDHC Card with another computer? [. . . ] Microsoft®, MS-DOS®, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U. S. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. [. . . ]


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