Manual de instrucciones MOTOROLA CHARM / MB502

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Mode d'emploi MOTOROLA CHARM / MB502

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso MOTOROLA CHARM / MB502

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] INCLUDING YOUR TIME. MOTOROLA CHARM with MOTOBLUR Welcome MOTOROLA CHARM with MOTOBLUR Compact design offers pocketability, easy handling, and many of the smartphone features its bulkier competitors are touting. • The sleek design and pinch-to-zoom touch screen keeps your social life at your fingertips. • The BACKTRACK™ navigation pad provides unobstructed navigation without blocking the screen. • View your messages and status updates from your latest MOTOBLUR Happenings and Messages widgets. More • Updates: Phone updates, PC software, online help and more at www. motorola. com/mycharm. [. . . ] You need to join Latitude, and then invite Location 39 Share location When you receive a request to share location details you can choose to: • Accept and share back—see your friends location, and your friend can see yours. • Accept, but hide my location—see your friend's location, but they can't see yours. • Don't accept—location information is not shared between you and your friend. Hide your location To hide your location from a friend, touch Menu > Latitude to show your friends list. Touch your contact name, then touch Menu > Privacy > Hide your location. Turn off Latitude Touch Menu Touch Menu > Latitude to show your friends list. > Privacy > Turn off Latitude. Wireless lose the wires and go wireless Quick start: Wireless To connect a Bluetooth™ headset or car kit, touch Menu > Settings > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settings Bluetooth settings Turn on & scan. Bluetooth Device name (your phone’s name) Change your phone’s Bluetooth name. Discoverable Make device discoverable Scan for devices Bluetooth devices Let Bluetooth devices find your phone. (found device name) Pair with this device Connect. To use a Wi-Fi™ network for fast Internet access and to download data, touch Menu > Settings > Wireless & networks > Wi-Fi settings. Note: Your phone's Wi-Fi features and power levels are not allowed for outdoor operation in France. To avoid unlawful interference with radio signals, do not use the Wi-Fi features in France unless you are indoors. 40 Wireless Turn Bluetooth power on or off Find it: Menu > Bluetooth > Settings > Wireless & networks Note: Using a mobile device or accessory while driving may cause distraction and may be illegal. After you connect: • To reconnect with a device, simply turn on the device or touch the device name in the Bluetooth devices list. • To disconnect a device, simply turn off the device, or touch the device name in the devices list and touch Menu > Disconnect. Note: To extend battery life, turn Bluetooth power off when not in use. Connect Bluetooth devices Note: This feature requires an optional accessory. To connect with a new device, you need to pair with it. You only need to do this once for each device—to connect again, just turn on the device. 1 Make sure the device you are pairing with is in discoverable mode. Note: Refer to the guide that came with the device for details. 2 Touch Menu > Settings > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settings. If Bluetooth power is already on, touch Scan for devices. 5 If necessary, touch OK, or enter the device passkey (like 0000) to connect to the device. When the device is connected, the Bluetooth indicator appears in the status bar. Turn Wi-Fi power on or off Find it: Menu > Wi-Fi > Settings > Wireless & networks Note: To extend battery life, turn off Wi-Fi power when not in use. Connect Wi-Fi networks To find networks in your range: 1 Touch Menu > Settings > Wireless & networks > Wi-Fi settings. If Wi-Fi is already on, touch Menu > Scan. Your phone lists the networks it finds within range. Tip: To see your phone’s MAC address or other Wi-Fi details, touch Menu > Advanced. Wireless 41 3 Touch a network to connect. [. . . ] To request a refund, you must present this warranty, sealed by the place of purchase, along with the “Product. ” Limited Warranty (Mexico) For Motorola personal communication products and accessories purchased in Mexico Warranty (Mexico) I. Concepts Covered by this Warranty This warranty covers all the parts, components, accessories and labor of the Motorola “Product” from defects in materials and workmanship under normal consumer usage. The Motorola “Products” that are protected under this warranty can be: (a) cellular telephones, (b) radar sets, (c) two-way radios, and (d) wireless telephones. de C. V. , at its option, will at no charge repair, replace, or refund the purchase price of any “Product” that does not conform to this warranty. [. . . ]


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