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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso NORDICTRACK NORDICTRACK COMERCIAL 1750

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] NTL14010. 0 Serial No. Write the serial number in the space above for reference. USERʼS MANUAL QUESTIONS? Serial Number Decal If you have questions, or if parts are damaged or missing, DO NOT CONTACT THE STORE; please contact Customer Care. IMPORTANT: Please register this product (see the limited warranty on the back cover of this manual) before contacting Customer Care. CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-800-TO-BE-FIT (1-800-862-3348) Mon. –Fri. MT ON THE WEB: www. nordictrackservice. com Read all precautions and instructions in this manual before using this equipment. [. . . ] The actual number of calories that you burn will depend on your weight. In addition, if you manually change the speed or incline of the treadmill during the workout, the number of calories you burn will be affected. To stop the workout at any time, press the iFit Menu button in the upper right corner of the screen. To pause the workout, press the Pause button. To end the workout and select a new workout, press the New Workout button. To end the workout, press the End Workout button. 6. See step 7 on page 18. See step 5 on pages 17 and 18. The screen can also show a profile of the incline settings of the workout. When an all-terrain trails workout is selected, the screen can show a topographic map of the trail. The person running on the trail indicates your progress. To continue the workout, press the Resume button or the Start button. The walking belt will begin to move at 1 mph. When the next segment of the workout begins, the treadmill will automatically adjust to the speed and incline settings for the next segment. 8. When you are finished exercising, remove the key from the console. See step 8 on page 18. Note: The calorie goal is an estimate of the number of calories that you will burn during the 21 The iFit Live mode enables the treadmill to communicate with your wireless network. With the iFit Live mode, you can download personalized workouts, create your own workouts, track your workout results, and access many other features. See www. iFit. com for complete information. Connect your treadmill to your own wireless network. See steps 1 and 2 on page 23. HOW TO USE THE IFIT LIVE MODE IFIT LIVE FCC INFORMATION 2. Select the iFit Live mode. To activate and use the iFit Live mode, you must have your own wireless network; you must have an 802. 11b/g router with SSID broadcast enabled (hidden networks are not supported). You must also have an iFit. com membership. To select the iFit Live mode, first select the start menu (see step 2 on page 16). You can also press the Live Workouts button on the console. To set up an iFit Live account, or for more information about the iFit Live mode, go to www. iFit. com. To switch users, press the Switch User button in the lower right corner of the screen. [. . . ] NTL14010. 0 R1210A 21 36 1 21 71 21 36 1 21 21 72 76 9 77 73 24 33 14 74 75 17 24 34 34 33 1 73 1 78 1 79 76 1 1 78 13 1 82 83 9 81 80 13 37 EXPLODED DRAWING C Model No. NTL14010. 0 R1210A 85 84 87 86 89 91 92 70 88 8 12 7 34 9 7 94 70 90 84 91 81 93 1 98 34 96 13 34 7 101 113 18 13 98 97 7 98 113 101 18 100 1 34 38 13 98 13 12 8 EXPLODED DRAWING D Model No. NTL14010. 0 R1210A 95 102 99 1 1 1 103 1 1 104 105 1 1 5 106 10 4 1 1 1 1 10 5 1 10 1 1 19 4 64 1 19 10 4 2 107 108 5 1 5 110 9 109 30 15 30 106 10 10 10 10 2 1 4 1 1 1 67 1 39 To order replacement parts, please see the front cover of this manual. To help us assist you, be prepared to provide the following information when contacting us: • the name of the product (see the front cover of this manual) • the model number and serial number of the product (see the front cover of this manual) ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS • the key number and description of the replacement part(s) (see the PART LIST and the EXPLODED DRAWING near the end of this manual) IMPORTANT: You must register this product within 30 days of the purchase date to avoid added fees for service needed under warranty. [. . . ]


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