Manual de instrucciones PANASONIC KX-TS730S

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Lastmanuals permite descargar las instrucciones PANASONIC KX-TS730S.

Mode d'emploi PANASONIC KX-TS730S

Puedes descargar las siguientes instrucciones anexas a este producto:

   PANASONIC KX-TS730S (2838 ko)
   PANASONIC KX-TS730S (2828 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso PANASONIC KX-TS730S

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] L The AC adaptor must remain connected at all times. (It is normal for the adaptor to feel warm during use. ) L The AC adaptor should be connected to a vertically oriented or floor-mounted AC outlet. [. . . ] L Each time you press, the speed will change (four times or sixty times normal speed). 1 Press {ERASE} ({F2} key) during playback. 2 Press {SELECT} ({F3} key) at "Individual erase". 1 Press {ERASE} ({F2} key) during playback. 2 Press {<} or {>} to select "All erase". 3 Press {SELECT} ({F3} key). To change rewind speed To repeat a recorded conversation (during playback) To skip a recorded conversation (during playback) To pause playback To erase a specific conversation To erase all conversations Many states have imposed regulations on the manner in which 2-way telephone conversations may be recorded, so you should inform the other party that the conversation is being recorded. Consult your telephone service provider for further information. ­3­ Phonebook Adding items to the phonebook 1 2 3 Press {k} ({F3} key). L The display shows the number of items in the phonebook. 16 characters). Enter name [ABC] >=Go back CHAR. 5 Enter the phone number (max. >=Go back 6 7 Press {SET} or {SAVE} ({F3} key). [. . . ] There is no need to scroll through the unit's sub-menus. 1 Press {MENU} ({F2} key), then press {#}. Enter direct No. : 2 3 4 5 BACK Enter the desired feature code (shown below). Enter the desired setting code (shown below). [. . . ]


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