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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso ROLAND GAIA SYNTHESIZER SOUND DESIGNER

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] You’ll select the desired patch by GROUP, BANK, and NUMBER. Internal Memory USB Memory (sold separately) Non-rewritable 64 patches PRESET GROUP Rewritable 64 patches USER GROUP Rewritable 64 patches USB MEMORY You can use these patches to store the original sounds you’ve created. Select Other Patches! A sound you’ve saved can be easily recalled simply by pressing a button. Go ahead and try out each patch to get an idea of what kind of sounds the GAIA SH-01 can produce. Select a GROUP PRESET PATCH USER PATCH USB MEMORY PATCH Select a BANK Press the [BANK] and then press one of the [1]–[8] buttons Select a NUMBER Press one of the [1]–[8] buttons A NOTE OF ADVICE How to Think About Sound Programming As you take a closer look at the factory-set patches (preset patches), you’ll notice all sorts of clever tricks that were used to create the sounds. Remember these tricks, and use them to create new sounds from scratch. [. . . ] Raise or lower the [A] [D] [S] [R] sliders, and notice how they affect the sound. Volume Symbol A D R Time S R Name Attack time Decay time Sustain level Release time Release the key S Volume change Duration of the attack Duration of the decay Level while sustained Duration of the release Play a key A D 9 STEP 4 Create a Wind Sound 1. Turn the FILTER [CUTOFF] knob all the way to the left. Let’s try playing a wind sound that was created using noise. Noise allows you to produce this type of sound. We’ll try controlling the character of the wind while listening to it. 2. Call up the “PRESET A-8” patch. Press the [BANK] button and then press the [1] (A) button Press the [8] button Press the [PRESET PATCH] button 3. Press the [KEY HOLD] button so it’s blinking. The wind will start blowing. The sound of trickling water will also begin. 5. While holding down the key to make the wind continue blowing, turn the FILTER [CUTOFF] knob toward the right, and move it between the 10 o’clock and 1 o’clock positions. This lets you control the character of the wind. A NOTE OF ADVICE Use Cutoff to Control the Character of the Wind As you turn the [CUTOFF] knob Level toward the left, the sound will become more muffled. When the knob is turned all the way toward the left, the sound will be nearly inaudible. This is because most of the frequency range is not being allowed to pass. Overtones being cut Frequency 10 STEP 5 Create A Distorted Guitar Sound The GAIA SH-01 contains a powerful effects section that lets you use five effects simultaneously. Let’s try creating the sound of a distorted guitar. 1. Call up the “PRESET A-6” patch. Press the [PRESET PATCH] button Press the [BANK] button and then press the [1] (A) button Press the [6] button 2. Press the [KEY HOLD] button to turn off its illumination. 3. First, let’s listen to the undistorted sound. Press the EFFECTS [DIST] button so its light is off, and play the keyboard. You’ll hear the undistorted sound. Press the [DIST] button so its light goes out 4. Press the EFFECTS [DIST] button so it’s lit, and play the keyboard again. Play two-fingered chords to simulate the performance of a rock guitarist. If you hold a note for a while, you’ll hear the feedback that’s typical of a guitar amp played at high volume. A NOTE OF ADVICE GAIA’s Amazing Effects! The GAIA SH-01 contains five effects processors: distortion (DIST), modulation (FLANGER), delay (DELAY), reverb (REVERB), and low boost (LOW BOOST). Using the DIST or FUZZ effects located in the leftmost column will distort the sound, making it more aggressive. DELAY and REVERB let you create lush, spacious sounds. Go ahead and try out various effects to hear what they do. 11 APPENDIX Examples of Creating Sounds Synth Bass (PRESET PATCH: H-1) 2 3 7 8 6 1 5 4 4 9 1 Press the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and [WRITE] button to recall the initialized sound. The sawtooth wave is selected. Press the [VARIATION] button to light the [WAVE] button into red. lowered by an octave. 2 Since the bass usually sounds in the lower registers, turn the [PITCH] knob to the left so the sound is 3 Set the FILTER [CUTOFF] knob between 8 and 9 o’clock. The sound will diminish. 4 Next, you need to specify the character of the sound’s sustained portion. [. . . ] 9 Set the EFFECTS [CONTROL 1] knob to the 11 o’clock position to add some spaciousness. 10 Press the [REVERB] button so it’s lit. 11 Set the EFFECTS [CONTROL 1] knob to the 12 o’clock position to add reverb. This sound effect is similar to the sound in chapter 5 “How to Make a Sound” of the DVD. [. . . ]


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