Manual de instrucciones SAMSUNG UN55C9000SM

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Mode d'emploi SAMSUNG UN55C9000SM

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   SAMSUNG UN55C9000SM (18422 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso SAMSUNG UN55C9000SM

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] LED TV quick start guide imagine the possibilities Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. [. . . ] When using an HDMI/DVI cable connection, you must use the HDMI IN 1(DVI) jack. 1 [UC9000_Bra]BN68-03027A. indd 1 2010-05-18 4:47:08 ConneCting a Cable box/Satellite reCeiver (Set-top box) via Dvi Un55C9000ZM / Un55C9000SM TV ReaR Panel DVD Player or Cable Box / Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box) 2 1 1. Connect an HDMI Cable(Not supplied) between the HDMI IN 1(DVI) jack on the TV and the HDMI jack on the Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box). 2. Connect Audio Cables(Not supplied) between the DVI AUDIO IN jack on the TV and the Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box). When using an HDMI/DVI cable(Not supplied) connection, you must use the HDMI IN 1 jack. 2 [UC9000_Bra]BN68-03027A. indd 2 2010-05-18 4:47:09 ConneCting a Cable box/Satellite reCeiver (Set-top box) via CoMponent CableS Un55C9000ZM / Un55C9000SM DVD Player or Cable Box / Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box) 1 TV ReaR Panel R G B R W R 2 1. Connect a Component Cable(Not supplied) between the COMPONENT IN [Y, Pb, Pr] jacks on the TV and the COMPONENT jacks on the Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box). 2. Connect Audio Cables(Not supplied) between the COMPONENT IN [R-AUDIO-L] jacks on the TV and the AUDIO OUT jacks on the Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box). 3 [UC9000_Bra]BN68-03027A. indd 3 R W B G G B R W R 2010-05-18 4:47:09 Before using the TV, follow the steps below to learn how to navigate the menu and select and adjust different functions. How to Navigate Menus Keyboard Keyboard TV Control CONTENT MENU Services INTERNET @TV TV Control Services 1 1 MENU button: Displays the main on-screen menu. 2 ENTERE / Direction button: Move the cursor and select an item. 3 EXIT button: Exits the on-screen menu. 4 RETURN button: Returns to the previous menu. 2 Navigation 3 4 HOW TO OPERATE THE OSD (ON SCREEN DISPLAY) The access step may differ depending on the selected menu. 1 2 3 4 MENU m The main menu options appears on the screen: Picture, Sound, Channel, Setup, Input, Application, Support. [. . . ] DOMINICA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO VENEZUELA COLOMBIA Customer Care Center 0800-333-3733 0800-124-421 4004-0000 800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) 00-1800-5077267 800-7919267 0-800-507-7267 800-6225 1-800-299-0013 1-800-299-0013 1-800-234-7267 800-7267 1-800-682-3180 1-800-751-2676 1-800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) 0-800-100-5303 01-8000112112 Web Site www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com www. samsung. com CMS [UC9000_Bra]BN68-03027A. indd 5 2010-05-18 4:47:09 [. . . ]


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