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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso SAMURAI OLLAS ARROCERAS PAREDES FRIAS

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Notice_Arrocera_RK1003 6/06/06 12:18 Page c1 Notice_Arrocera_RK1003 6/06/06 12:18 Page c2 1. 10. 11. Notice_Arrocera_RK1003 6/06/06 12:18 Page c3 x4 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Notice_Arrocera_RK1003 6/06/06 12:18 Page 2 Read and follow the instructions for use. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS · This appliance complies with the safety regulations and conditions in effect at the time of manufacture. · Check that the power supply voltage corresponds to that shown on the appliance (alternating current). [. . . ] · The cooking times vary according to the quantity and type of rice cooked. · A thin crust of rice may form on the base, when cooking smaller quantities. Wiping half a teaspoon of oil over the base may help reduce this forming, but this occurrence is not always preventable. · At the end of the cooking time, when the "keep warm" function comes into operation, stir the rice and leave it in the Automatic Rice Cooker for a few minutes to obtain perfect results. END OF COOKING CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE CLEANING · Use a sponge and hot soapy water to clean the bowl and the lid - Fig 8. Scouring powders and metal sponges are not recommended. · If food has stuck to the bottom, allow the bowl to soak before washing it. · Do not immerse the appliance in water. Do not put water into the body of the appliance. Water should only be poured into the non-stick bowl. THE BOWL AND LID · You can also wash the bowl and the lid in a dish washer - Fig. For the bowl, carefully follow the instructions below (depending on model): · When putting into the machine, be careful not to damage the inside coating on the dish washer racks. · After being washed several times in the dish washer and to renew the surface, it is recommended to wipe the whole of the inner surface of the bowl with a little cooking oil. Notice_Arrocera_RK1003 6/06/06 12:18 Page 5 · The colour of the bowl surface may · So as to keep the non stick quality for as change after using for the first time or after long as possible, it is recommended not to longer use. This change in colour is due to cut food in the bowl. the action of steam and water and does · Make sure the bowl is stored inside the not have any effect on the use of the Automatic Rice Cooker. Automatic Rice Cooker, nor is it dangerous Important: The brown marks and scratches for your health. It is perfectly safe to that may appear after many hours use are continue using it. We guarantee that the non stick coating COMPLIES WITH THE CLEANING AND CARE OF THE OTHER PARTS STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS on OF THE APPLIANCE materials suitable for contact with food. · Clean the outside of the Automatic Rice TAKING CARE OF THE BOWL Cooker and the cord with a damp cloth · Use a plastic or wooden spoon and not a and wipe dry. Do not use aggressive or metal one so as to avoid damaging the abrasive products. · Do not use water to clean the inside of the · To avoid any risk of corrosion, do not put appliance. vinegar into the bowl. Notice_Arrocera_RK1003 6/06/06 12:18 Page 6 Leá y siga atentamente estas instrucciones y FUNCIONAMIENTO conservélas cuidadosamente. · Utilice una superficie de trabajo estable, INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD plana y protegida de las salpicaduras de · Por su seguridad, este producto cumple las agua. normas y reglamentaciones aplicables · Nunca deje el producto funcionar sin (Directivas Baja Tensión, Compatibilidad supervisión. [. . . ] caliente" se ilumina en color verde - Fig. Así, el alimento está siempre caliente y listo · El tiempo de cocción varía según la calidad y el tipo de arroz utilizado. La función "mantenimiento · Al cocer una pequeña cantidad de arroz, en caliente" funciona si el producto está puede aparecer una fina película de arroz conectado. Para quitarla, vierta una quemen ni se peguen al fondo del cucharadita de aceite en el recipiente recipiente, durante el mantenimiento en interno antes de la cocción. [. . . ]


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