Manual de instrucciones SILVERCREST SFS 150 B3

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Mode d'emploi SILVERCREST SFS 150 B3

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   SILVERCREST SFS 150 B3 (4467 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso SILVERCREST SFS 150 B3

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Antes de empezar a leer abra la página que contiene las imágenes y, en seguida, familiarícese con todas las funciones del dispositivo. Prima di leggere aprire la pagina con le immagini e prendere confidenza con le diverse funzioni dell'apparecchio. Before reading, unfold the page containing the illustrations and familiarise yourself with all functions of the device. Klappen Sie vor dem Lesen die Seite mit den Abbildungen aus und machen Sie sich anschließend mit allen Funktionen des Gerätes vertraut. ENVASADORA AL VACÍO MACCHINA SIGILLASACCHETTI SFS 150 B3 KOMPERNASS GMBH Burgstraße 21 D-44867 Bochum www. kompernass. com ENVASADORA AL VACÍO Instrucciones de uso MACCHINA SIGILLASACCHETTI Istruzioni per l`uso ES IT / MT GB / MT DE / AT / CH Instrucciones de uso Istruzioni per l`uso Operating instructions Bedienungsanleitung Página 1 Pagina 17 Page 33 Seite 51 VACUUM SEALER Operating instructions FOLIENSCHWEISSGERÄT Bedienungsanleitung Estado de las informaciones · Versione delle informazioni Last Information Update · Stand der Informationen: 02 / 2012 Ident. -No. : SFS150B3122011-2 IAN 71770 5 IAN 71770 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 Indice Introducción . [. . . ] 37 37 37 38 38 Appliance description . Notes on the Declaration of Conformity . 44 44 44 45 45 SFS 150 B3 33 Introduction Information for these operating instructions Congratulations on the purchase of your new appliance!You have clearly decided in favour of a modern and high-quality product. These operating instructions are a part of this product. They contain important information in regard to safety, use and disposal. Before using the product, familiarise yourself with all of these operating and safety instructions. Use the product only as described and only for the specified areas of application. In addition, pass these documents on, together with the product, to any future owner. GB MT Copyright This documentation is copyright protected. All reproductions or duplications, also as extracts, as well as representations of the illustrations, even in an altered state, are only permitted with the written approval of the manufacturer. Limited liability All technical information, data and instructions for installation, connection and operation contained in this operating manual correspond to the latest available at the time of printing and, to the best of our knowledge, take into account our previous experience and know-how. No claims can be derived from the details, illustrations and descriptions in these instructions. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for damage caused by failure to observe the instructions, improper use, incompetent repairs, making unauthorised modifications or for using unapproved replacement parts. 34 SFS 150 B3 Intended use This plastic film sealer is intended for the occasional vacuum-packing of food in typical household quantities and only for private household use. This appliance is not intended for commercial or industrial applications or for continuous operation. This appliance is not intended for any other use or for uses beyond those mentioned. Claims of any kind for damage resulting from unintended use will not be accepted. The user alone bears liability. GB MT Warning symbols used In these operating instructions the following warnings are used: DANGER A warning at this risk level indicates a threateningly dangerous situation. If the dangerous situation is not avoided, it could result in death or serious injury. Follow the instructions given in this warning to avoid the risk of death or severe personal injury. IMPORTANT A warning at this risk level indicates possible property damage. If the situation is not avoided it could lead to property damage. Follow the instructions in this warning to avoid property damage. NOTICE A notice indicates additional information that assists in the handling of the appliance. SFS 150 B3 35 Safety In this chapter you receive important safety information regarding the handling of the appliance. [. . . ] 2) Überweisung: Überweisen Sie den Gesamtbetrag vorab auf das Konto www. kompernass. de ABSENDER / BESTELLER (bitte vollständig und in BLOCKSCHRIFT ausfüllen) Kompernaß Handelsgesellschaft mbH Kontonummer 0799 566 462 Bankleitzahl 440 100 46 Postbank Dortmund Geben Sie bei Ihrer Überweisung als Verwendungszweck den Artikel sowie Name, Vorname Straße Ihren Namen und Wohnort an. Senden Sie dann die vollständig ausgefüllte Bestellkarte in einem Briefumschlag an unsere nachstehende Postadresse. PLZ/Ort Telefon Unsere Postadresse: Kompernaß Handelsgesellschaft mbH Burgstraße 21 44867 Bochum WICHTIG Bitte frankieren Sie die Sendung ausreichend. Schreiben Sie Ihren Namen als Absender auf den Umschlag. Bestellen Sie bequem im Internet www. kompernass. com BESTELLKARTE SFS 150 B3 www. kompernass. com EINZELPREIS GESAMTBETRAG BESTELLMENGE ARTIKELBESCHREIBUNG (max. 3 Sets pro Bestellung) 3er-Schlauchfolien-Set 5, 95 (je Rolle 10 m) für Folienschweißgerät SFS 150 B3 + = zzgl. Abwicklungskosten für Porto, Handling, Verpackung und Versand. 7, 50 ZAHLUNGSWEISE Überweisung (Ort, Datum) (Unterschrift) BESTELLKARTE SFS 150 B3 1) Tragen Sie unter , , Absender / Besteller" Ihren Namen, Ihre Anschrift und Ihre Telefonnummer (für eventuelle Rückfragen) in Blockschrift ein. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals ofrece un servicio comunitario para compartir, de archivos en línea, de búsqueda de documentación relacionada con la utilización de materiales o programas: folleto, instrucciones, folleto de utilización, guía de instalación, manual técnico...
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