Manual de instrucciones SONY SDM-S53/B QUICK SETUP GUIDE

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Mode d'emploi SONY SDM-S53/B

Puedes descargar las siguientes instrucciones anexas a este producto:

   SONY SDM-S53/B (600 ko)
   SONY SDM-S53/B annexe 1 (714 ko)
   SONY SDM-S53/B annexe 2 (683 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso SONY SDM-S53/BQUICK SETUP GUIDE

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Para evitar el riesgo de descarga o daos irreversibles en la unidad, no exponga el monitor a la lluvia ni a niveles excesivos de humedad. No utilice alcohol ni lquidos que contengan amonaco para limpiar el monitor. Si es preciso, pase un pao ligeramente humedecido. Antes de limpiar el monitor, desconecte el cable de alimentacin. [. . . ] Asegrese de que el cable del monitor est correctamente conectado al ordenador. Revise el cable del monitor por si tiene algn contacto doblado. Asegrese de que el ordenador est encendido. q q No hay imagen (indicador mbar o amarillo) q q q q No hay imagen (indicador verde) q q file:///D|/EDFU/crt_19_6/edoc/spanish/202P/SAFETY/saf_troub. htm (1 of 3)2005-08-10 U 02:20:37 Localizacin y reparacin de fallas q No aparece la pantalla cuando se enciende el monitor q q Compruebe que el cable del monitor est correctamente conectado al ordenador (consulte tambin la Gua de instalacin rpida). Revise el cable del monitor por si tiene algn contacto doblado. Asegrese de que el ordenador est encendido. Si est utilizando una tarjeta de vdeo cuyo estndar no es VESA-DDC, desactive la funcin DDC1 / 2B. La imagen puede requerir desmagnetizacin. Retire los objetos magnticos de las inmediaciones. Oriente el monitor hacia el este para optimizar la calidad de imagen. Compruebe el ajuste de temperatura de color. Asegrese de que el cable del monitor est correctamente conectado al ordenador. The product must be prepared for recycling and the manufacturer is obliged to have an environmental policy which must be adhered to in each country where the company implements its operational policy. The energy requirements include a demand that the computer and/or display, after a certain period of inactivity, shall reduce its power consumption to a lower level in one or more stages. The length of time to reactivate the computer shall be reasonable for the user. Labeled products must meet strict environmental demands, for example, in respect of the reduction of electric and magnetic fields, physical and visual ergonomics and good usability. Below you will find a brief summary of the environmental requirements met by this product. The complete environmental criteria document may be ordered from: TCO Development SE-114 94 Stockholm, Sweden Fax: +46 8 782 92 07 Email (Internet): development@tco. se Current information regarding TCO' 99 approved and labeled products may also be obtained via the Internet, using the address: http://www. tco-info. com/ RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE Environmental Requirements file:///D|/EDFU/crt_19_6/edoc/spanish/202P/SAFETY/regs/regulat. htm (2 of 16)2005-08-10 U 02:20:39 Regulatory Information Flame retardants Flame retardants are present in printed circuit boards, cables, wires, casings and housings. Their purpose is to prevent, or at least to delay the spread of fire. Up to 30% of the plastic in a computer casing can consist of flame retardant substances. Most flame retardants contain bromine or chloride, and those flame retardants are chemically related to another group of environmental toxins, PCBs. Both the flame retardants containing bromine or chloride and the PCBs are suspected of giving rise to severe health effects, including reproductive damage in fish-eating birds and mammals, due to the bio-accumulative* processes. Flame retardants have been found in human blood and researchers fear that disturbances in fetus development may occur. [. . . ] 104-33 Bogota, Colombia Phone: (01)-8000-111001 (toll free) Fax : (01)-619-4300/619-4104 MEXICO Consumer Information Centre Norte 45 No. 669 Col. Industrial Vallejo C. P. 02300, -Mexico, D. F. Phone: (05)-3687788 / 9180050462 Fax : (05)-7284272 PARAGUAY Av. Argentina 1780c/ Alfredo Seiferheld P. O. [. . . ]


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