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Lastmanuals permite descargar las instrucciones TRENDNET TEW-503PI.

Mode d'emploi TRENDNET TEW-503PI

Puedes descargar las siguientes instrucciones anexas a este producto:

   TRENDNET TEW-503PI (1225 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso TRENDNET TEW-503PIQUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Kit de montaje FRANAIS Requisitos del sistema ?Web Browser: Internet Explorer (6. 0 o superior) DEUTSCH Un PC con ?adaptador de red instalado correctamente Un conmutador o Hub de red con puerto LAN de red disponible ? ?TPE-111GI) (Opcional) Inyector (Ej. ESPAOL Nota: El TEW-503PI slo trabaja con dispositivos PoE (Power over Ethernet) que cumplen con el estndar IEEE 802. 3af. 1 2. [. . . ] The reset button is located on top of the TEW-503PI. 9 If my network's IP is different than the Access Point's range, what should I do?You should still configure the Access Point first. After all the settings are applied, go to the Access Point's configuration page, click on System, click on LAN and change the IP address of the Access Point to match your network's IP. After I successfully configured the Access Point to match my network settings, I can not connect to my network using wireless computers. If you have a DHCP server in your network, you need to go into TCP/IP settings again and re-select "Obtain an IP address automatically" to allow the PC to regain an IP address from your DHCP server. All the settings are correct, but I can not make a wireless connection to the Access Point. Double check that the wireless LED on the Access Point is lit. Wait 15 seconds, then plug the power back in. Contact the manufacturer of your wireless network adapter. Make sure the wireless network adapter is configured with the proper SSID. The default SSID of the Access Point is TRENDnet653. Please also make sure that the wireless hardware is not placed in any type of shelving or enclosures. There are a number of other environmental factors that can impact the range of wireless devices. Adjust your wireless devices so that the signal is traveling in a straight path, rather than at an angle. The more material the signal has to pass through the more signal you will lose. 11 2. Keep the number of obstructions to a minimum. Each obstruction can reduce the range of a wireless device. Position the wireless devices in a manner that will minimize the amount of obstructions between them. Building materials can have a large impact on your wireless signal. In an indoor environment, try to position the wireless devices so that the signal passes through less dense material such as dry wall. Dense materials like metal, solid wood, glass or even furniture may block or degrade the signal. Antenna orientation can also have a large impact on your wireless signal. [. . . ] 20675 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501, USA. Tel: +1-310-961-5500 Fax: +1-310-961-5511 GPL/LGPL informaes Gerais Este produto TRENDnet inclui software gratuito desenvolvido por terceiros. Estes cdigos esto sujeitos ao GPL (GNU General Public License) ou ao LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License). Estes cdigos so distribudos SEM GARANTIA e esto sujeitos aos direitos autorais dos desenvolvedores. [. . . ]


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