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Lastmanuals permite descargar las instrucciones TRENDNET TEW-638PAP.

Mode d'emploi TRENDNET TEW-638PAP

Puedes descargar las siguientes instrucciones anexas a este producto:

   TRENDNET TEW-638PAP (4014 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso TRENDNET TEW-638PAPQUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Guía de instalación rápida TEW-638PAP 1. 01 Table of Contents Español 1. Instalación PoE Troubleshooting 1 1 2 8 10 Version 01. 08. 2010 1. Antes de iniciar Contenidos del paquete TEW-638PAP ? ?Guía de instalación rápida multilingüe ? [. . . ] Double check that the wireless LED on the Access Point is lit. Wait 15 seconds, then plug the power back in. Contact the manufacturer of your wireless network adapter. Make sure the wireless network adapter is configured with the proper SSID. The default SSID of the Access Point is TRENDnet638PAP. If you have enabled any encryption on the Access Point, make sure to configure the wireless network adapter with the same Pre-shared key. I am trying to connect additional wireless adapters, but I don't remember the encryption (network) key. From a wired computer, log on to the access point configuration page. I have a wireless adapter that supports WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) push button setup. How do I setup WPS between the TEW-638PAP and my wireless adapter?Press on the WPS button on the front of the TEW-638PAP for 10 seconds. Refer to your wireless adapters for instructions on setting up WPS. I inserted the Utility CD-ROM into my computer's CD-ROM Drive but the installation menu does not appear automatically. For Windows 7, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click on the Windows Icon on the bottom left hand corner of the screen, , click the "Search programs and files" box, and type D:\autorun. exe, where "D" in "D:\autorun. exe" is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Driver, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard 2. For Windows Vista, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click on the Windows Icon on the bottom left hand corner of the screen, click on the "Start Searc"h box, and type D:\autorun. exe, where "D" in "D:\autorun. exe" is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Driver, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard. For Windows XP/2000 if the window does not appear automatically, click Start, click Run and type D:\autorun. exe where "D" in "D:\autorun. exe" is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard. 10 5. I do not have a DHCP server or DHCP is disabled on my network and I am unable to configure the TEW-638PAP. Go to the TCP/IP settings on your computer and assign a static IP address on your computer's network adapter in the subnet of 192. 168. 10. x. Since the default IP address of the TEW-638PAP is 192. 168. 10. 100, do not assign a static IP address of 192. 168. 10. 100 on your computer's network adapter. Open Internet Explorer and enter http://192. 168. 10. 100 into the address bar. I followed the Quick Installation Guide and setup a new password. When I log in to the browser configuration an access error message appears. [. . . ] Die Software darf von jedermann im Quell-und Objektcode unter Beachtung der Lizenzbedingungen der GNU General Public License Version 2, und GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) vervielfältigt, verbreitet und verarbeitet werden. Die Lizenz ist unten im englischsprachigen Originalwortlaut wiedergegeben. Eine nichtoffizielle Übersetzung in die deutsche Sprache finden Sie im Internet unter (http://www. gnu. de/documents/gpl-2. 0. de. html). Eine allgemeine öffentliche GNU Lizenz befindet sich auch auf der mitgelieferten CD-ROM. [. . . ]


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