Manual de instrucciones TRENDNET TMR-61U2 DATA SHEET

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Mode d'emploi TRENDNET TMR-61U2

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   TRENDNET TMR-61U2 (1105 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso TRENDNET TMR-61U2DATA SHEET

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] CPU: 300MHz o superior (XP/2000)/800MHz o superior (Windows Vista) ?Memoria: 256MB RAM o superior(XP/2000)/512MB RAM o superior (Windows Vista) ?Windows 2000/XP(32-/64-bit)/Vista(32-/64-bit), Mac OS X (10. 1 ~ 10. 5) ? [. . . ] de memoria Soporta tarjetas Conecta directamente Tarjeta XD-Picture tipo M/tipo H (XD) v. 1. 2B Memory Stick (MS) v. 1. 0 Tarjeta Secure Digital (SD) v1. 0/1. 1/2. 0/ SDHC (class 6) Tarjeta Micro Secure Digital (MMC, MMC Plus) v. 4. 1 Conecta con adaptador MemoryStick Duo (MS Duo) v. 3. 31 MultiMediaCard Mobile (MMC Mobile) v. 4. 1 Mini Secure Digital ( Mini DS) v. 1. 0/1. 1 Micro Secure Digital (Micro SD, T-Flash) v. 1. 0 1 Español Aplicación MemoryStick MemoryStick MemoryStick MemoryStick Duo Pro Pro Duo All-in-One ExpressCard Memory Card Reader (TMR-61U2) Notebook SD/Ultra SD Mini SD MultiMedia Card RSMMC 2 Español 2. Cómo se instala Nota: Para instrucciones de instalación para Mac OS X (10. 1~10. 5) por favor referirse a la pregunta # 1 de la sección de localización de averías (Troubleshooting). Encienda su PC portátil y espere hasta que le aparezca el escritorio de Windows. 2. A3: First, make sure that you are using a supported memory card (see section 1). Second, insert XD-Picture cards with gold contacts facing up. Insert all other memory cards with the gold contacts facing down. Third, an adapter is required for the following memory cards: MS Duo, MS Pro Duo, RS MMC, MMC Mobile, MMC Micro, Mini DS, and Micro SD. Q4: After successful installation of the TMR-61U2, I inserted my memory card into the slot and it is not working?A4: Make sure the memory card is properly inserted in the TMR-61U2. If you have any questions regarding the TMR-61U2 Memory Card Reader/Writer, please refer to the User's Guide included on the Utility & Driver CD-ROM or contact TRENDnet's Technical Support Department. . 5 Certifications This equipment has been tested and found to comply with FCC and CE Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. [. . . ] Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received. Including interference that may cause undesired operation. Waste electrical and electronic products must not be disposed of with household waste. [. . . ]


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