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Lastmanuals permite descargar las instrucciones TRENDNET TV-IP612WN.

Mode d'emploi TRENDNET TV-IP612WN

Puedes descargar las siguientes instrucciones anexas a este producto:

   TRENDNET TV-IP612WN (7835 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso TRENDNET TV-IP612WNQUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Inslatación y configuración del Hardware Nota: 1. Se recomienda configurar la cámara IP desde un PC por cable. Si desea usar el software IPViewPro 2. 0, instale el software mediante un clic en Install IPView Pro 2. 0 (Instalar IPView Pro 2. 0) en la ventana Autorun (Ejecución automática) y consulte la guía del usuario en el CD para más información. 1. Introduzca el CD-ROM de la herramienta en la unidad de CD-ROM de su PC. 2. [. . . ] For Windows Vista, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click Start, click the Start Search box, and type D:\autorun. exe where "D" in "D:\autorun. exe" is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard. For Windows XP/2000, if the window does not appear automatically, click Start, click Run and type D:\autorun. exe where "D" in "D:\autorun. exe" is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard. Setup Wizard is unable to detect my camera. Verify that you have followed all the steps in Section 2: Hardware Installation. Disable any software firewall programs such as ZoneAlarm or Norton Internet Security. If you are using Windows 7, Vista or XP disable the built in firewall. Then press on the Reset button on the back on the IP Camera for 10 seconds, then let go. I do not have a DHCP server or DHCP is disabled on my network and I am unable to configure the TV-IP612WN. Go to the TCP/IP settings on your computer and assign a static IP address on your computer's network adapter in the subnet of 192. 168. 10. x. Since the default IP address of the TV-IP612WN is 192. 168. 10. 30, do not assign a static IP address of 192. 168. 10. 30 on your computer's network adapter. Open Internet Explorer and enter http://192. 168. 10. 30 into the address bar. How can I adjust the focus on the Internet camera?If you have manual focus enabled in the IP camera's browser configuration, you can press the plus or minus sign. Selecting auto focus will automatically adjust the focus on the IP camera. When I click on Live View the image does not load?Make sure that you are using a browser that supports Active X. See steps 20 to 23 in Section 2: Hardware Installation and Configuration. How do I connect the TV-IP612WN to my wireless router or access point?Make sure that you configure the camera to have the same SSID, encryption mode and key (if enabled). Follow the instructions in section 2 to configure the camera with the SSID and encryption key. 8 7. After I successfully configured the TV-IP612W to match my wireless network settings, I can not connect to the camera. Verify that the wireless settings match your wireless network settings. [. . . ] Use the wireless adapter's site survey tool to determine the best antenna orientation for your wireless devices. Interference from devices that produce RF (radio frequency) noise can also impact your signal. Position your wireless devices away from anything that generates RF noise, such as microwaves, HAM radios, Walkie-Talkies and baby monitors. Any device operating on the 2. 4GHz frequency will cause interference. [. . . ]


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