Manual de instrucciones YAMAHA JOG R BROCHURE

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Mode d'emploi YAMAHA JOG R
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso YAMAHA JOG RBROCHURE

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] 2009 JogR Feel the stReet f you're looking for easy fun on a scooter with Iperfect machine to ofinstant, style on the side, the JogR isa generous helping sporty the supply it. [. . . ] Distinctive, high quality graphics and a the rider and so must be `step-through'. high-level rear reflector set you up with a great base to kick off Secondly they must be super rigid to your own programme of customisation from the Yamaha parts enable brilliantly sharp handling. Yamaha put all their years of engineering catalogue ­ and build your own personalised JogR. experience as well as some innovative frame construction techniques into the JogR's frame. This means the handling on the JogR is super sharp and will enable you to take corners with amazing accuracy and confidence. Meaty 190mm front disc brake and 110mm rear drum makes light work of fast controlled stops. Digital and analogue dash designed to only need a quick glance for all vital info. Pillion passengers are well looked after with an ergonomic grab-handle and integrated foot rest. For such a nippy bike you still get practical touches like underseat storage for a fullface helmet. JogR www. yamaha-motor-europe. com Colours: Sweet Heart Red (SHR) Midnight Black (BL3) Engine Type: Displacement: Bore x stroke: Compression ratio: Max. Torque: Lubrication system: Fuel supply system: Ignition system: Starter system: Fuel capacity: Transmission system: Air cooled 2 stroke single cylinder 49. 0 cc 40. 0 x 39. 2 mm 11. 6 : 1 2. 04 kW @ 7, 000 rpm 2. 78 Nm @ 7, 000 rpm Separate lubrication Gurtner PY12 C. D. I. Electric and kick 5. 5 litres V-belt Automatic Chassis Overall size (L x W x H): Seat height: Wet weight (incl. full oil and fuel tank): Wheelbase: Min. ground clearance: Front suspension: Front wheel travel: Rear suspension: Rear wheel travel: Front brake: Rear brake: Front tyre: Rear tyre: 1, 740 x 675 x 1, 065 mm 770 mm 81 kg 1, 210 mm 132 mm Telescopic fork 70 mm Unit swing 60 mm Single disc Ø 190 mm Drum Ø 110 mm 110/70-12 120/70-12 Yamaha recommend the use of genuine Yamaha accessories and clothing. [. . . ] SC0-JogRA-EU09 This brochure is printed on chlorine-free paper. [. . . ]


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