Manual de instrucciones ACER MP-500

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Mode d'emploi ACER MP-500

Puedes descargar las siguientes instrucciones anexas a este producto:

   ACER MP-500 (455 ko)
   ACER MP-500 0 (519 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso ACER MP-500

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Acer MP500 User's Manual Ver 1. 0 Copyright Copyright 2006 by Acer Inc. , All rights reserved. No part of this production may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any languages or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Acer Computer GmbH. make no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any warranties, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Any software described in this manual is sold or licensed "as is". [. . . ] 7) Select background MÚSICA playback from the above menu, and the MÚSICA will continue to play on return to the upper level window. View Photos 13 1) Select "photo" function in the main interface and press "Enter" key to confirm, and to enter into the interface of photo file list. 2) Press "menu" key to call up the file operation menu and the detailed operation method is shown in description of file operation section. a. Desktop: Select "Desktop" and return to the main interface. View, new, copy, move, paste, delete and rename: Refer to file operation description. File information: Open or close the file information column. 14 3) In the interface of photo file list, use "up" or "down" keys to select picture file, and press "Enter" key to confirm, and start to view photos. 4) During photo viewing, you can perform the following operations: a. Press "Esc" key to stop photo viewing and return to file directory list. Press "left" or "right" keys to display the previous photo or next photo. 5) During photo viewing, press "menu" key to pop out the picture function menu: (Next, previous, view mode, setup as background, left rotation 90°, right rotation 90°, zoom out, zoom in, picture display mode, and background MÚSICA) (View mode: Slide display, Suspend of slide display) (Picture display mode: Four pictures, nine pictures, and one picture) a. You can use the above menu to open or close the slide function. You can setup the display interval of slide in the setup menu. Desktop Background: Select "setup as background" function in the above menu, and the current picture will be set as desktop background. In the MP500, the stored pictures can be set as desktop background by using such function. Under the condition that the picture is zoomed out, use "up", "down", "left" and "right" keys to move the picture and press "Enter" key to exit the zoomed out status. Select Background MÚSICA in the above menu to change background MÚSICA and continue to view the pictures. Note: If you want to play picture and MÚSICA synchronously, unit will first play MÚSICA and select background MÚSICA in the menu. E-book Reading 1) Select "E-book" function in the main interface and press "Enter" key to confirm, and to enter into the interface of E-book file list. 15 2) Press "menu" key to call up the file operation menu and the detailed operation method is shown in the description of file operation section. a. Desktop: Select "Desktop" and return to the main interface. View, new, copy, move, paste, delete and rename: Refer to file operation description. File information: Open or close the file information column. 3) In the E-book file list interface: Use "up" or "down" keys to select E-book, and press "Enter" key to open and display electronic book on the screen. 16 4) During the electronic book reading period, you can perform the following operations: a. Press " up", "down" keys to page up and page down the viewing pages. [. . . ] 4) Normally disconnect the connection between this product and the USE cord of computer. 5) Restart this unit and the upgrade of this product will finish automatically. 24 Note: Please ensure the power capacity is enough before upgrade. If the power is interrupted during the upgrade process, this product may suffer serious damage. So, connect the power adapter before upgrade to ensure a continuous power supply. [. . . ]


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