Manual de instrucciones AEG-ELECTROLUX ERT14001W8

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX ERT14001W8

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   AEG-ELECTROLUX ERT14001W8 (525 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso AEG-ELECTROLUX ERT14001W8

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Benutzerinformation User manual Libro de instrucciones DE GB ES kühlschrank refrigerator frigorífico ERT 14001 W8 We were thinking of you when we made this product DE electrolux 3 Willkommen bei Electrolux! Wir möchten uns bedanken, dass Sie sich für ein erstklassiges Produkt von Electrolux entschieden haben, welches Ihnen sicherlich viel Freude bereiten wird. Es ist unser Bestreben, eine breite Vielfalt von Qualitätsprodukten anzubieten, die helfen, Ihr Leben etwas komfortabler zu machen. Sie finden einige Beispiele auf der vorletzten Seite in diesem Heft. Bitte nehmen Sie sich einige Minuten, diese Benutzerinformation zu lesen, um voll von den Vorteilen Ihres neuen Gerätes profitieren zu können. [. . . ] At this temperature for a certain time deep-frozen products available on the market can be stored. It is also suitable for freezing and storing smaller quantity of fresh food. In 24 hours' time approximately 2 kgs of food can be frozen. Pack the foods tightly in plastic or aluminium foil, cool them in the fresh food How to make ice cubes To make ice cubes fill the enclosed ice cube tray with water and put it to the frozen food compartment. Wetting the bottom of the tray and setting thermostatic control knob to maximum stage can shorten preparing time. After finishing do not forget to reset the thermostatic control to the suitable stage. Ready ice cubes can be taken out of the tray under running water then twist or hit it. GB GB electrolux 29 Some useful information and advice The variable shelves are worth paying attention to, which increases the usefulness of the fresh food compartment considerably. Rearranging the shelves is also possible when the door is open at an angle of 90°. The inside configuration of the door makes rearranging the door shelves as required possible. When closing the door of the frozen food compartment take care to move its bolt in the direction of the arrow to fit it to the lock properly. Put foods into the appliance only in a closed dish. Put warm foods into the appliance only when they are at room temperature. Keep the condenser clean at the back of the appliance. Hints and ideas In this chapter practical hints and ideas are given about how to use the appliance to reach maximum energy saving and there is environmental information about the appliance as well. The appliance environment and How to save energy The colder the ambient temperature of the appliance is the less energy it uses. Avoid putting the appliance in a sunny place and near anything that gives off heat. Be sure that the condenser and the compressor are well ventilated. Do not cover the sections where ventilation is. Wrap products in tightly closing dishes or cling film to avoid building up unnecessary frost. This appliance does not contain gasses which could damage the ozone layer, in either its refrigerant circuit or insulation materials. The appliance shall not be discarded together with the urban refuse and rubbish. Avoid damaging the cooling unit, especially at the rear near the heat exchanger. Information on your local disposal sites may be obtained from your municipal authorities. The materials used on this appliance marked with the sympol are recyclable. Maintenance Defrosting Bleeding part of the moisture of cooling chamber in form of frost and ice goes with the operation of the refrigerator. Thick frost and ice has an insulating effect, so it reduces cooling efficiency as the temperature increases, it needs more energy, at a certain thickness it does not allow the door of the frozen food compartment to open, possibly the door can be broken. At this type of appliance defrosting fresh food compartment is automatic without any external intervention. Do not leave the door open longer than necessary and avoid unnecessary openings. 30 electrolux GB GB The thermostatic control interrupts the operation of compressor at regular intervals for more or less time - during this cooling is interrupted - temperature of the fresh food compartment increases and defrosting occurs. [. . . ] Cambie de lado el perno de la bisagra inferior en la dirección de la flecha. Fije la bisagra inferior en el lado contrario sin mover la puerta de su sitio. Atornille la bisagra con los tornillos retirados del otro lado y enrosque las patas regulables (2 unidades) y levante el aparato. Para cambiar la bisagra superior de la puerta desenrosque los tornillos (2 unidades) que fijan el copete en la parte posterior del aparato. [. . . ]


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