Manual de instrucciones CANON ZR85

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Lastmanuals permite descargar las instrucciones CANON ZR85.

Mode d'emploi CANON ZR85

Puedes descargar las siguientes instrucciones anexas a este producto:

   CANON ZR85 POWER ADAPTER CA-570 (375 ko)
   CANON ZR85 POWER ADAPTER CB-570 (277 ko)
   CANON ZR85 POWER ADAPTER CG-570 (410 ko)
   CANON ZR85 BATTERY PACKS BP-512, BP-522 & BP-535 (357 ko)
   CANON ZR85 (4228 ko)
   CANON ZR85 BROCHURE (11234 ko)
   CANON ZR85 Instruction Manual (4228 ko)
   CANON ZR85 VIDEO LIGHT VL-10LI (1197 ko)
   CANON ZR85 FILTER SETS FS-30.5U (189 ko)
   CANON ZR85 POWER ADAPTER CA-570 (375 ko)
   CANON ZR85 POWER ADAPTER CB-570 (277 ko)
   CANON ZR85 POWER ADAPTER CG-570 (410 ko)
   CANON ZR85 DV MESSENGER VER 1.0 (501 ko)
   CANON ZR85 BATTERY PACKS BP-512, BP-522 & BP-535 (357 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso CANON ZR85

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] PUB. DIM-618 Digital Video Camcorder Instruction Manual Camescope vidéo numérique English Français Manuel d'instruction Videocámara digital Manual de Instrucciones Español Mini Digital Video Cassette Please read also the following instruction manuals. Veuillez lire aussi les modes d'emploi suivants. Lea también los manuales de instrucciones siguientes. · Digital Video Software · DV Network Software PUB. [. . . ] Press the PAUSE a button on the wireless controller. button on the wireless controller. "AUDIO DUB. " and " a" appear. ZERO SET MEMORY REW 12bit AUDIO OUT AUDIO DUB. PAUSE PLAY STOP SLOW 2 FF AV INSERT AV DV REMOTE SET 6. Press the PAUSE a button on the wireless controller to begin dubbing. · Audio device: Begin playback. · Microphone: Speak into the built-in microphone. 88 ZERO SET MEMORY REW 12bit AUDIO OUT AUDIO DUB. PAUSE PLAY STOP SLOW FF 2 AV INSERT AV DV REMOTE SET 7. Press the STOP 3 button on the wireless controller to stop dubbing. Audio device: Stop playback. ZERO SET MEMORY REW 12bit AUDIO OUT AUDIO DUB. PAUSE PLAY STOP SLOW FF 2 AV INSERT AV DV REMOTE SET E Use only tapes recorded in SP mode 12-bit audio sound with this camcorder. Audio dubbing will stop if the tape has a blank section or a section recorded in LP mode or 16-bit mode. You cannot use the DV terminal for audio dubbing. If you add sound to a tape not recorded with this camcorder, sound quality may decrease. Sound quality may decrease when you add sound to the same scene for more than 3 times. When you connect an audio device, check the picture on the LCD screen and the sound via built-in speaker or audio device. ZR90: You can also connect a TV via S-video terminal. When you use the built-in microphone, you can either connect a TV via AV terminal to check the picture, or headphones to check the sound. ZR90: When you connect a TV via S-video terminal, you can check the picture on the TV screen and the sound with headphones connected to the camcorder. Set the zero set memory at the end of the scene you wish to dub audio. The camcorder will automatically stop audio dubbing at that point. Playing Back the Added Sound You can select to play back Stereo 1 (original sound), Stereo 2 (added sound), or adjust the balance of both sounds. CAMERA PLAY (VCR) CARD CAMERA CARD PLAY Editing ( 39) AUDIO SETUP 12bit AUDIO···STEREO1 1. Select [12bit AUDIO], select a setting and close the menu. · STEREO 1: Plays back the original sound. · STEREO 2: Plays back the added sound. · MIX/FIXED: Plays back stereo 1 and stereo 2 in the same level. [. . . ] (c) The digital video equipment is used for commercial, professional or industrial purposes. This limited warranty does not cover the cabinet (exterior finish) of the digital video equipment, video cassette tapes, head cleanings, nor does it apply to digital video equipment purchased outside Canada. TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE Ship your Canon digital video equipment in its original carton, box or equivalent, properly packed, fully insured with shipping charges prepaid, together with a copy of your bill of sale or other proof of purchase and a description of the problem to any of the Canon Service Facilities in Canada. LIMITATIONS Except as otherwise required by applicable legislation, this warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, conditions, guarantees or representations, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, relative to this Canon product, including implied warranties or conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. [. . . ]


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