Manual de instrucciones DENTALUX DRZ 3.0 A1

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Mode d'emploi DENTALUX DRZ 3.0 A1

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   DENTALUX DRZ 3.0 A1 (894 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso DENTALUX DRZ 3.0 A1

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] 5 CEPILLO DENTAL ELÉCTRICO DRZ 3. 0 A1 SPAZZOLINO ELETTRICO CEPILLO DENTAL ELÉCTRICO Instrucciones de uso SPAZZOLINO ELETTRICO Istruzioni per l`uso ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH Operating instructions KOMPERNASS GMBH BURGSTRASSE 21 · D - 44867 BOCHUM www. kompernass. com ID-Nr. : DRZ3. 0A1-11/09-V3 ELEKTRISCHE ZAHNBÜRSTE Bedienungsanleitung DRZ 3. 0 A1 1 5 2 3 4 Índice Uso conforme al previsto Indicaciones de seguridad Volumen de suministro Características técnicas Descripción del aparato Primer uso Montar / desmontar el cabezal del cepillo Limpiar los dientes Limpieza y mantenimiento Cambio de las pilas Evacuación Garantía y asistencia técnica Importador Página 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 6 6 7 8 8 Lea atentamente este manual de instrucciones antes del primer uso y consérvelo para posteriores utilizaciones. Entréguelo en caso de traspasar el aparato a terceros. -1- Uso conforme al previsto Este aparato está destinado al cuidado dental personal en el ámbito doméstico. No está previsto para su uso comercial, industrial ni en áreas médicas o veterinarias. Indicaciones de seguridad · Con el fin de evitar daños evite que puedan penetrar líquidos en el aparato y no lo sumerja nunca en agua. · Evite la penetración de impurezas. [. . . ] Le riparazioni eseguite al termine del periodo di garanzia sono a pagamento. Kompernass Service Italia Tel. : 199 400 441 (0, 12 EUR/Min. ) e-mail: support. it@kompernass. com Importatore KOMPERNASS GMBH BURGSTRASSE 21 44867 BOCHUM, GERMANY www. kompernass. com - 15 - - 16 - Index Intended use Safety instructions Items supplied Technical data Appliance description First use Fitting / removing brush heads Brushing one's teeth Cleaning and Care Changing the batteries Disposal Warranty and Service Importer Page 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 Read these operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass this booklet on to whoever might acquire the appliance at a future date. - 17 - Intended use This appliance is intended for personal dental care in domestic situations. The appliance is not intended for use in commercial, industrial or medical environments. It is not suitable for animal care. Safety instructions · To avoid damage, do not permit liquids of any kind to enter the appliance and do not submerse it in water. · Avoid also a possible penetration by foreign objects. · In the event of malfunction or apparent damage, make contact with our Customer Services. · This appliance is not intended for use by individuals (including children) with restricted physical, physiological or intellectual abilities or deficiences in experience and/or knowledge unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or receive from this person instruction in how the appliance is to be used. · Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. · This appliance may not come into contact with hot surfaces. · NEVER submerse the hand element in water or other liquids. · Do not open the appliance (except the battery compartment) yourself. There is a risk of injury with improper reassembly!When handling batteries, please observe the following: Information regarding the handling of batteries · Do not throw batteries into a fire. The risk of explosions and injuries exists!· Never open batteries, never solder or weld batteries. The risk of explosions and injuries exists!· Regularly check the condition of the batteries. Leaking batteries can cause damage to the appliance. · If you do not intend to use the appliance for an extended period, remove the batteries. · In the event of the batteries leaking acids, first put on a pair of protective gloves. Then clean the battery compartment and the battery contacts with a dry cloth. [. . . ] Dieses Produkt unterliegt der europäischen Richtlinie 2002/96/EC. Entsorgen Sie das Gerät über einen zugelassenen Entsorgungsbetrieb oder über Ihre kommunale Entsorgungseinrichtung. Beachten Sie die aktuell geltenden Vorschriften. Setzen Sie sich im Zweifelsfall mit Ihrer Entsorgungseinrichtung in Verbindung. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals ofrece un servicio comunitario para compartir, de archivos en línea, de búsqueda de documentación relacionada con la utilización de materiales o programas: folleto, instrucciones, folleto de utilización, guía de instalación, manual técnico...
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