Manual de instrucciones GAMES PC THE MATRIX-PATH OF NEO

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[. . . ] PON_PC_ManInt 9/26/05 2:37 PM Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS GETTING STARTED . . 3 TM GETTING STARTED THE MATRIX: PATH OF NEO GAME MENUS . . 11 HAND-TO-HAND & MELEE COMBAT TARGETING . . 12 The Matrix: Path of Neo DVD-ROM game has a ReadMe file where you can view both the License Agreement and updated information about the game. [. . . ] Focus increases the speed and effectiveness of nearly every action and allows you to utilize Neo's special abilities. Use Focus in hand-to-hand combat to unleash spectacular moves. Combine Focus with firearms combat for more accurate, precise shots. When used with Evade [Ctrl], Focus even makes Neo a harder target to hit with both bullets and hand-to-hand attacks. The Focus meter displays Neo's available pool of Focus. The longer you hold down Focus [Shift], the more you draw from the limited resource of the Focus pool. When the meter is depleted, Neo is limited to his normal level of strength and speed. Focus regenerates constantly, but only up to a limited amount. It might be enough to get yourself out of a jam, but not enough to dominate in combat. Higher amounts of Focus are awarded for entering and succeeding in combat. Launch Strikes and Special Attacks, and you can earn enough Focus to either unleash a Killing Blow to finish the job, or jump to safety. Hand-to-hand combat earns you the most Focus, but you can also gain Focus through firearms combat. Focus is your most precious resource in the game ­ the path to success means staying aware of your Focus levels and using it wisely. 20 21 PON_PC_ManInt 9/26/05 2:37 PM Page 22 FOCUS THE PATH OF THE ONE As Neo walks the Path of the One, he continues to free his mind and gains the ability to bend the rules of the Matrix and manipulate his surroundings. Some of these Special Abilities are awarded automatically, while other, more powerful abilities must be unlocked. The following are examples of Special Abilities that are unlocked as Neo walks the path of the One. It's not a complete list ­ you'll have to discover some of these abilities on your own. Run alongside a wall, press and hold the Focus [Shift] and continue running toward the wall at an angle. Neo will bend the rules of gravity in the Matrix and sprint along the wall. Time it right, and he will even turn corners while still airborne. You can also use Focus to make Neo jump off walls. Jump toward a wall, press against it and press Jump Focus [Space] again to make Neo spring even higher. These moves are great ways to avoid enemies and obstacles. Experiment with other Focused running and jumping moves to discover more combinations and effects. [. . . ] All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Manufactured and marketed by Atari, New York. The Shiny logo © 2005 Shiny Entertainment. Shiny Entertainment is a wholly-owned division of Atari, Inc. [. . . ]


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