Manual de instrucciones HAUPPAGE WINTV-HVR-1100/1300 QI

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Mode d'emploi HAUPPAGE WINTV-HVR-1100/1300 QI

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   HAUPPAGE WINTV-HVR-1100/1300 QI (1135 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HAUPPAGE WINTV-HVR-1100/1300 QI

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Installing the WinTV-HVR board To install, switch off the computer and remove the computer cover. The manufacturer of your PC supplies instructions on removing the PC cover. ote: Your PC could be damaged by electrostatic discharge. Avoid this by contacting the earthed chassis of your PC, before you open it or touch the pci card. [. . . ] To start the VTplus application click on the Start / All Programs / VTplus for WinTV. The items that need to be set for each event are: Source selection: leave set at WinTV to bring up the WinTV at the requested time and on the requested channel. Select Reminder to just pop-up a text file as reminder. Time to Begin Program: set to the desired start time. The default time is about 3 minutes from the current time. Click on the hour to set the hour, the minute to set the minute to start the program. ote: It is always possible that your TV show will be transmitted in advance or late, and it takes about 10 seconds to launch the WinTV and set up for recording. Please set the Time to Begin Progam few minutes before the time your TV show should starts. Program Duration: set the duration of this event, using the arrows (steps of 30 minutes) or directly the keyboard. This will update the Time to End Program window. Date to Begin: today's date is the default. Change this if you want to schedule on another date. Program Period: One Time Only, Every day or Weekly are the choices. If you select the Weekly option, select the day you would have the show recorded too. Date to End: If you have selected the Every Day or Weekly option, you can specify the date at which it will stop this task. Channel selection: choose one of your scanned channels. Recording options: click on Record to File to record your show. Leave this button unchecked to watch TV at the requested time. You can also name your file to record. Page 13 N ote: VTPlus uses the channel list in the analogue WinTV application for finding the VTplus information. It is therefore necessary to scan for channels first in WinTV before starting the VTplus application. It is not possible at this time to receive Digital Teletext (MHEG / BBCi) for DVB-T in the UK. 7. The 7 Day EPG Certain digital DVB-T channels, along with their TV programmes, contain a TV channel guide. [. . . ] Press the Play or Pause button again to unfreeze the video. The Pause button has no effect on the recording itself. While the video is frozen, the recording is continued in the background, there is no Rewind, Forward, Skip, Replay function. Troubleshooting To uninstall the Driver and Software To uninstall the software simply run hcwclear from the installation CD-ROM and select the last 2 options 'remove all WinTV drivers and applications (total removal)' and 'search all INF files'. If you now select OK a black screen will briefly appear and once it has disappeared the software will be removed. [. . . ]


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