Manual de instrucciones HAUPPAGE WINTV-NOVA-S QI

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HAUPPAGE WINTV-NOVA-S QI

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Free to Air TV & Radio availabilty Please ensure that you have a suitable universal LNB, satellite dish and cable connected to the WinTV-NOVA-S-Plus. Your satellite dish should be installed correctly and should be pointing in the right direction. (Please consult your local Satelitte installer for further details or help). Most satellite installations in the UK are selected to either Astra 28. 2 DE (SKY Digital), Astra 19. 2 DE or Hotbird / Eutelsat 13. [. . . ] Clicking the Fast Foward button two times will fast foward your video at 8X speed. Clicking the button again will continue playing back at normal speed. Slow motion button Clicking the Slow Motion button during playback will cause the video to play in slow motion. Clicking the Slow Motion button again will return the video to normal playback speed. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 File button Clicking the File button opens the File menu. The last file recorded is listed in the File name box. In the File menu you can: Rename your recorded video file: To rename a video file, find the file you would like to rename, highlight it with your mouse, and click and hold the right mouse button. Go down to Rename and then you can type in a new name. Remember:you must keep the MPG extension on the file. Play a video file previously recorded: Find the file you would like to play, highlight it with your mouse (one click of the mouse button) and click Open. Delete recorded video files which you no longer want: Click your right mouse button on the video file once, go down the menu and click Delete. Rewind button Clicking the Rewind button while playing video will rewind the recorded video. Clicking the Rewind button again will continue the playing. 12. Installation of the Remote Control software The WinTV2000's remote control software is installed automatically during the installation of the WinTV applications. You will see the WinTV Remote icon in the Device Tray. The installation will add a shortcut to IR. EXE to the Startup group, so that IR. EXE is loaded every time after Windows has booted. If you need to restart the remote control, select Restart IR from the Start \ All Program Files\WinTV directory. Please ensure the following before trying to use this option: 1. Infrared Remote control - Has batteries inserted 2. Infrared-Receiver, is fully connected to the IR socket of the WinTV-Card 3. Infrared software is started - The IR icon is on the start bar To start WinTV press the GO button and a menu will appear. Use the scroll up and down button to select WinTV2000 and press OK to select. 14. WinTV Command line Parameter Command line options for the Wintv2000 Application To start the WinTV application with a specific command line option you need to click on: Start / Run and type in: "C:\Program\WinTV\WINTV2K. EXE" You can now select some NoSplashScreen = WinTV2000Mode = NoTipOfDay = Suite = Channel = WindowMode = of the following options: -nss -cg -ntod -sSuiteName -cChannelNumber -mMode ("tv", "NoTitle", "Title", or "Off" (all case less) (Note: `Off' will cause an existing instance of the Wintv app to exit) Slow motion Clicking the Slow Motion button while playing video will play in Slow Motion. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. [. . . ] Troubleshooting To uninstall the Driver and Software To uninstall the software simply run the hcwclear. exe off the installation CD and select the last 1 option and the entry "search all INF files etc". If you now select "OK" a black screen will briefly appear and once it has disappeared the software will be removed. If you now re-start the computer you will be at Step 5 on page 3 of this document and can now re-install the software. Error: "Error code 10" during installation This is caused by a failure to load the WinTV-NOVA-S-Plus drivers. [. . . ]


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