Manual de instrucciones HAUPPAGE WINTV-NOVA-S USB2 QI

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HAUPPAGE WINTV-NOVA-S USB2 QI

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Safety information Important Notice for placing the Device Every electrical device needs time to warm up. The heat generated by the device is low but can still cause sensitive furniture to alter over time. The bottom of the NOVA-S-USB2 can in some cases stain the surface of certain furniture. Please put a pad underneath when placing the NOVA-S-USB2 on a sensitive surface. 2. [. . . ] Clicking the Slow Motion button again will return the video to normal playback speed. 5. WinTV-Scheduler WinTV-Scheduler allows you to schedule the recording of TV shows. WinTV-Scheduler, once it is set, can be closed, and the WinTV application will "wake up" at the desired time and tuned to the desired channel. After installation, WinTV-Scheduler can be found by going to Start / Program files / Hauppauge WinTV. To set up an event for timed watching or recording, click on the Add Program. Replay While in the Pause mode, hitting the Replay button acts like the Instant Replay you see on TV broadcast sporting events: the audio/video goes back in time and you repeat what you have previously seen. Each click of the Replay button causes audio/video to go back 10 seconds. For example, if you want to repeat the audio/video you saw 10 seconds ago, you would click the Replay button once. If you want to see the video you saw one minute ago, you would need to click the Replay button six times. For extended replay times, you might find it more convenient to grab the Video Position indicator control bar and move it to the left. Once you let the control bar go, audio/video starts to play (it might take a few seconds for the WinTV application to start playing). You might have to move the Video Position indicator to the left and right to find the desired spot to start replaying audio/video. WinTV-Scheduler sets up a command line in Task Scheduler to run WinTV, specifying a TV channel and a length of time to record. Skip Ahead Clicking the Skip button will skip the video ahead 10 seconds. Stop Clicking the Stop button will stop the video you are recording or playing back. Rewind Clicking the Rewind button while playing video will rewind the recorded video. Clicking the Rewind button again will continue the playing. Play Clicking the Play button will playback from disk the last video file created. When playing a video, you can rewind, fast forward, replay 10 sec or skip forward 10 sec using the buttons on the control bar. Slow Motion Clicking the Slow Motion button while playing video will play in Slow Motion. Clicking the Slow Motion button again, will continue playing normally. Pause Clicking the Pause button while Playing will pause your audio/video. Fast Forward Clicking the Fast Forward button once will fast forward your video at 2X speed. Clicking the Fast Forward button twice will fast forward your video at 8X speed. Rewind Clicking the Rewind button will play the video file in reverse. Clicking the Rewind button again will continue the playing of the video. Fast Forward Clicking the Fast Foward button once will fast foward your video at 2X speed. Clicking the Fast Foward button twice will fast forward your video at 8X speed. Clicking the button again will continue playing back at normal speed. Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 The items that need to be set for each event are: Source selection: leave set at WinTV to bring up the WinTV at the requested time and on the requested channel. Select Reminder to just pop-up a text file as reminder. Page 12 Time to Begin Program: set to the desired start time. The default time is about 3 minutes from the current time. Click on the hour to set the hour, the minute to set the minute to start the program. 6. [. . . ] FCC ID: H90WINTV CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance to the FCC Rules could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. CE Statement: This equipment has been tested and complies with EN 55013, EN 55020 and IEC 801-3 part 3 standards. TV display has problems (e. g. no picture but with sound or blurred image) With the WinTV application closed click on the WinTV program group (Start / Programs / Hauppauge WinTV) there is a utility called "Primary". Within Primary, select a different option from the main list of four items (Allow VMR/Allow Overlay/Force Primary/DIB Draw), close the application using the X in the top right hand corner then restart the TV program. [. . . ]


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