Manual de instrucciones HAUPPAGE WINTV-NOVA-T USB2 QI

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HAUPPAGE WINTV-NOVA-T USB2 QI

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[. . . ] If prompted select "No, not this time" and select "Next". Select the option "Install the software automatically" and click "Next". TV Mode Pause Mode Record Mode The One Touch Pause (OTP) button prepares the WinTV2000 pausing live video. Snapshot viewer window: Double click on each "thumbnail" to see image full size. Click and hold your right mouse button to see image options. Snapshot Still capture Current TV channel Click your right mouse button here to see the channel selector One Touch Pause One Touch Record WinTV Software Installation Hauppauge Digital Sarl 10 Borough High Street Bank Chambers London, UK, SE1 9QQ www. hauppauge. co. uk Hauppauge Digital Sarl 91 Cabot Court Hauppauge, NY 11788 www. hauppauge. com Hauppauge Digital Asia, Pte. Blk 1093, Lower Delta Road #04-05 Tiong Bahru Industrial Estate Singapore 169204 Tel. - Support: Tel. : Fax: +44 (0)207 378 0202 +44 (0)207 378 1997 +44 (0)207 357 9171 The One Touch Record (OTR) button will start a record session. [. . . ] You might have to move the Video Position indicator to the left and right to find the desired spot to start replaying audio/video. While Replaying, your audio/video program continues to be recorded in the Replay Buffer. Therefore, if you have clicked the Replay button 3 times (so that you are replaying the audio/video seen 30 seconds ago), the video you see in the WinTV window will be 30 seconds behind the "live" audio/video program. WinTV-Scheduler WinTV-Scheduler allows you to schedule the recording of TV shows. WinTV-Scheduler, once it is set, can be closed, and the WinTV application will "wake up" at the desired time and tuned to the desired channel. After installation, WinTV-Scheduler can be found by going to Start / Program files / Hauppauge WinTV. WinTV-Scheduler works by using the Windows Task Scheduler to launch WinTV at the chosen time. WinTV-Scheduler sets up a command line in Task Scheduler to run WinTV2000, specifying a TV channel and a length of time to record. To set up an event for timed watching or recording, run WinTV-2000 Scheduler and click on the Add Program. Installation of the Remote Control software The WinTV-2000's remote control software is installed automatically during the installation of the WinTV applications. You will see the WinTV Remote icon in the Device Tray. The installation will add a shortcut to IR. EXE to the Startup group, so that IR. EXE is loaded every time after Windows has restarted. If you need to restart the remote control, run IR32. EXE from the C:\Program Files\WinTV directory. Checking the function of the IR Remote WinTV's Remote application is loaded everytime Windows is restarted. You will see a Remote Control icon in the device tray. To check the remote control operation, point the Remote transmitter at the Remote control receiver. When you click the Go button on the Remote transmitter, after 3-4 seconds the Remote icon should flash, indicating that the Remote application is running. After the remote icon flashes, the WinTV appplication selector will appear in a window on your screen. Remote control when watching live TV 0-9 buttons: channel numbers Full button: makes WinTV go full screen. Clicking the full button again brings WinTV into a window. Remote control when playing video recordings Skip ahead button: skips ahead in the video 30 seconds per click. Holding the skip ahead button will autorepeat, and advances the video about 5 minutes per 10 seconds the button is depressed. Skip back button: skips back 30 seconds per click. Pressing and holding the skip back button makes the video go back about 5 minutes for 10 seconds the button is depressed. [. . . ] - Channel selection: chose one of your scanned channels. - Recording options: click on Record to File to record your show. Leave this button unchecked to watch TV at the requested time. You can add more Events, clicking Set Program after each event is set. [. . . ]


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