Manual de instrucciones HOTPOINT PH 940MST

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Mode d'emploi HOTPOINT PH 940MST

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   HOTPOINT PH 940MST (4891 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HOTPOINT PH 940MST

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] PH PH PH PH PH PH 930 MST 930 MT SKD 940M 940MS 940MST 940 MT SKD PH PH PH PH PH PH 941M 941MS 941 MT SKD 960MST 941MSTB 941MSTV Piano di cottura da incasso 90 Istruzioni per l'installazione e l'uso Built-in cooking tables 90 Instructions for installation and use Plans de cuisson à encastrement 90 Instruction pour l'installation et l'emploi 2 12 22 Inbouw-kookvlakken 90 Gebruiksaanwijzingen voor de plaatsing en gebruik 33 Encimera empotrable 90 Instrucciones para la instalación y uso Placas de encastre 90 Instruções para a instalação e o uso 43 52 La ringraziamo per aver scelto un prodotto Ariston, sicuro e davvero facile da usare. Per conoscerlo, utilizzarlo al meglio e a lungo, le consigliamo di leggere questo manuale. Grazie. Visto da vicino A B A B 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 1 2 3 10 9 8 7 6 C I H A B C G H A B 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 C L H A B E C A B C C F D A Bruciatori gas B Griglie di appoggio per recipienti di cottura C Manopole di comando dei bruciatori gas o delle piastre elettriche D Candela di accensione dei bruciatori gas (presente solo su alcuni modelli) E Pulsante di accensione dei bruciatori gas (presente solo su alcuni modelli) F Dispositivo di sicurezza (presente solo su alcuni modelli) - Interviene in caso di spegnimento accidentale della fiamma (trabocco di liquidi, correnti d'aria, . . . ) bloccando l'erogazione del gas al bruciatore. G Piastra elettrica (presente solo su alcuni modelli) H Spia di funzionamento elementi elettrici (presente solo su alcuni modelli) - Nei modelli dotati di piastra elettrica, bistecchiera o vetroceramica e di accensione la spia è incorporata nel pulsante di accensione. I Piano cottura Vetroceramica (presente solo su alcuni modelli) L Bistecchiera (presente solo su alcuni modelli) ATTENZIONE La vaschetta raccogli grassi in acciaio inox e la bistecchiera in ghisa, contenute nell'imballo griglie e bruciatori, devono essere posizionate rispettivamente al di sotto e al di sopra della resistenza elettrica che risulta così racchiusa fra le due. 2 Come utilizzarlo Su ciascuna manopola è indicata la posizione del bruciatore gas corrispondente o della piastra elettrica (ove presente). [. . . ] It is recommended that you follow the guidelines below: - Only use the appliance to cook food, avoiding all other uses; - Check the condition of the appliance after it has been unpacked; - Disconnect the appliance from the power supply in the event of malfunction and always before cleaning or maintenance; - When not in use, disconnect the appliance from the power supply and turn off the gas valve (if present); - Disconnect the appliance from the electrical supply in the event the ceramic glass cooking surface breakds. - Always check to make sure that the control knobs are on the “•”/”o” setting when the appliance is not in use; - Cut the power supply cord after disconnecting it from the electrical mains when you decide to no longer use the appliance. • The manufacturer will not be held liable for any damages arising out of : incorrect installation or improper, incorrect or unreasonable use. 17 Installation Instructions for built-in The following instructions are directed at the qualified installer so that the installation and maintenance proceedures may be followed in the most professional and expert manner possible. Important: Unplug the electrical connection before performing any maintenance or regulation upkeep work. Positioning for gas hob Important: this unit may be installed and used only in permanently ventilated rooms according to the British Stancards Codes Of Practice: B. S. The following requirements must be observed: a) The room must be fitted with a ventilation system which vents smoke and gases from combustion to the outside. This must be done by means of a hood or electric ventilator that turns on automatically each time the hood is operated. c) Intensive and prolonged use of the appliance may necessitate supplemental ventilation, e. g. opening a window or increasing the power of the air intake system (if present). d) Liquidified petroleum gases are heavier than air and, as a result, settle downwards. Rooms in which LPG tanks are installed must be fitted with ventilation openings to the outside in order to allow the gas to escape in the event of a leak. Therefore, LPG tanks, whether empty or partially full, must not be installed or stored in rooms or spaces below ground level (cellars, ect. ). It is also a good idea to keep only the tank currently being used in the room, making sure that it is not near sources of heat (ovens, fireplaces, stoves, etc. ) that could raise the internal temperature of the tank above 50°C. Installation of built-in stove tops The gas hobs are prepared with protection degree against excessive heating of type X, the appliance can therefore be installed next to cabinets, provided the height does not exceed that of the hob. For a correct installation of the cooking hob the following precautions must be followed: a) The hob may be located in a kitchen, a kitonen/diner or bed sitting room, but not in a bathroom or shower room. b) The furniture standing next to the unit, that is higher than the working boards, must be placed at least 110mm from the edge of the board. c) The cabinets should be positioned next to the hood at a height of at least 420 mm (Fig. C). HOOD In a chimney stack or branched flue. (exclusively for cooking appliances) Directly to the Outside min. without hood Min. 900 mm. 420 mm. b) The room must also allow for the influx of the air needed for proper combustion. The flow of air for combustion purposes must not be less than 2 m3/h per kW of installed capacity. The supply of said air can be effected by means of direct influx from the outside through a duct with a inner cross section of at least 100 cm² which must not be able to be accidentally blocked. [. . . ] La mise en service de ces tuyaux doit être effectuée de façon à ce que leur longueur ne dépasse pas 2000 mm, en extension maximum. Après avoir effectué le branchement, veillez à ce que le tuyau métallique flexible ne soit pas écrasé ni placé des contre des parties mobiles. Control partes estancas Une fois l’installation terminée, vérifier l’étanchéité de tous les raccords en utilisant une solution savonneuse et jamais une flamme. Branchement électrique Les tables équipées de cordon d’alimentation tripolaire sont prévues pour fonctionnement par courant alternatif, avec tension et fréquence d’alimentation figurant sur la plaquette des caractéristiques (située sous la table de cuisson) Le conducteur de terre du cordon se distingue par sa couleur jaune-vert. [. . . ]


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